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Leaving Home Ain't Easy

‘Leaving Home Ain't Easy’

Season 8, Episode 20 -  Aired May 11, 2006

Jackie is out for revenge after Fez rebuffed her advances. Bob announces that he is moving to Florida.

Quote from Kitty

Bob: Well, look who it is. Come over to insult me again? I don't know, maybe take another cheap shot at my outfit?
Kitty: Okay. There is nothing wrong with your outfits. Red thinks they're tacky but I've explained to him that you're just Italian.


Quote from Fez

Fez: I gotta get back at her. Oh, I know! I'll break her TV. Ah, but then I'll just miss Gilligan ["Jill-igan"].

Quote from Hyde

Donna: You guys are never going to believe this. My dad is moving to Florida.
Hyde: Florida is nice. My mom spent three years down there. Supposed to be five, but she got time off for good behavior.

Quote from Bob

Bob: See, these blue buildings are condos and the green ones, those are cabanas.
Red: What's that yellow building?
Bob: Oh, that's Cheez Whiz. I was reading in bed.

Quote from Red

Red: Wow. This design is great. You know the way these condos are laid out, you could spend your entire life and never have to interact with your idiot neighbors.
Kitty: Oh, and look at the street names. Orange Grove Avenue, Grapefruit Lane, Pineapple Road, it's like living in a fruit salad!
Bob: Anyway, I couldn't help but notice, they got 200 brand-new beachfront homes, each with a dock, but no bait shop within five miles.
Red: You can fish of your own pier?
Bob: Uh-huh.
Red: That means you don't have to get your lines tangled up with some dumbass who doesn't know what they're doing.
Kitty: You're the one who invited me.

Quote from Red

Red: That Bob and his crazy ideas. We can never move to Florida.
Kitty: Well, it's easy for him to do. But we have real ties here. I'm three piggy stamps away from a free ham at the supermarket.
Red: And I've got responsibilities. Spring's coming up. Who's gonna poison the new batch of squirrels?
Both: Let's move to Florida.
Kitty: You really want to?
Red: Do you?
Kitty: If you do.
Red: I do.
Kitty: Me, too.
Red: Then let's do it.
Kitty: Oh-ho-ho, Red! I am so excited. There is so much to do in Florida, it'll be such an adventure!
Red: No, I just wanna go down there and kind of sit around till we die.

Quote from Bob

Bob: Hey, Donna. Check out my new Speedo for Florida.
Donna: Dad, why can't you just buy a regular bathing suit?
Bob: No, those make me look silly.

Quote from Bob

Red: Bob, for the last time, you can't call our bait shop "Jail Bait."
Bob: Fine! How about "Hookers"? You know, because you put the bait on the hook.
Red: No.
Bob: Okay, you got something better?
Red: "Red and Bob's Bait Shop."
Bob: I like it. It's simple, to the point and I think it will fit on a Speedo.
Red: Bob, you put my name on your crotch, I'll kill you.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Fez. I didn't say anything when you started spying on Donna. I kept my mouth shut when you hid in the dirty towel bin to peep on the cheerleaders, but if you're getting your jollies listening to people go potty, I'm calling a doctor.

Quote from Bob

Bob: Hey, hey! Just got back from Florida. Want to see my tan lines?
Kitty: Oh, for gosh sakes, Bob.
Bob: Joke's on you. I don't got no tan lines. Whoo-hoo!

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