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Kitty and Eric's Night Out

‘Kitty and Eric's Night Out’

Season 2, Episode 18 - Aired February 28, 2000

When Red forces Eric to spend time with his mother, he and Kitty go see Annie Hall together. Meanwhile, Jackie is jealous when Fez gets a girlfriend, and Hyde plays board games with Leo at the photo hut.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Oh, man! Where the hell is Eric? I gotta get outta here before Jackie finds me.
Hyde: What'd you do now?
Kelso: Oh, she's mad 'cause I didn't say, "Love you," after lunch. I say it all day long, after gym, "Love you, Jackie". After algebra, "Love you, Jackie". After I say, "Love you, Jackie," I say, "Love you, Jackie." It sickens me!


Quote from Kelso

Hyde: Hey, man, check it out. Foggy windows.
Kelso: Bummer. Someone must have left their hot lunch in the car.
Hyde: No, you idiot. Someone's in there makin' out, man.

Quote from Red

Kitty: You know, he used to love going shopping with me.
Red: Look, Kitty, he's 16.
Kitty: 17.
Red: Whatever. The point is that when a boy hits that age, they don't wanna spend time with their mother. And if they do... They're weird. It's not a big deal.
Kitty: Well, it is a big deal to me, Red Forman. It is a big deal! [pounds the table]
Red: Okay.
Kitty: Well, I just... I just wish sometimes, he, he, he would want to spend time with me.
Red: Well, force him! It doesn't matter what he wants. As long as we're paying his way... We own him.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Oh, good. People are here. I want you to meet my girlfriend Patty. This is Eric. Eric, this is my... girlfriend. This is Donna. Donna, this is my... girlfriend.
Donna: So you guys are just friends?
Fez: No, Donna.
Donna: Fez, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. So, how's it goin', Patty?
Patty: Good.
Fez: I have to be honest with you, people, Patty and I were just outside making out... because Patty's my girlfriend.

Quote from Hyde

Eric: Wait, wait, is this... because I didn't wanna go shopping with Mom?
Hyde: You don't wanna go shopping with your mom? Boy, I tell ya, if I had a Mom, I would go shopping with her every single day, because no one loves you... like your mom.
Kitty: That's true. Eric, honey, we don't have to go shopping. We could go see a movie. It'll be like a little date.
Eric: No, no, no, no. Shopping's great. You know, I, um, I need new underwear, so...
Hyde: I think a date is a great idea. Hey, you guys should go see Annie Hall, I think you'd just love it, Mrs. Forman.
Red: See? Steven's helping out.
Eric: Thank you, Steven.
Kitty: Now, Annie Hall, I would like to see that movie.
Red: Oh, Eric's just dying to see that movie.
Eric: But I don't...
Red: Just dying.

Quote from Jackie

Patty: Um, I guess Fez really got me with all of the poems that he left in my locker.
Jackie: Oh, that is so romantic.
Patty: Well, doesn't Kelso write you poems?
Jackie: No. No, but he's not foreign.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Hey, can we talk about something interesting? Like, Donny Osmond?

Quote from Fez

Jackie: Patty, you know, we should really go to the mall together so I can introduce you...
Fez: Are you ready, darling?
Jackie: Excuse me, Fez. I was talking.
Fez: Oh, I know, Jackie. You are always talking.
Jackie: Oh!
Kelso: Burn! [off Jackie's look] Sorry, I just appreciate a good burn.

Quote from Hyde

Jackie: Okay, I don't like her. And I don't see why we have to be so nice to her just because she's dating someone in our group.
Hyde: Bites the big one, doesn't it?

Quote from Leo

Hyde: Leo, did you take your turn yet, man?
Leo: No, man. I, I can't decide between college or a career.
Hyde: Well, we can't start until you decide. So choose, man, or I'll start workin'.
Leo: Hey, don't rush me, man. This decision's gonna affect the rest of my life.
Hyde: [sighs] Go to college.
Leo: Okay. Hey, but... What if those frat guys make fun of my hair? And beat me up like, like fascists and stuff?
Hyde: Well, then just start a career.
Leo: I can't let those frat guys get away with it, man.
Hyde: Leo, man, it's just a game!
Leo: Yeah. Life is hard.

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