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Jackie's Cheese Squeeze

‘Jackie's Cheese Squeeze’

Season 4, Episode 19 - Aired February 26, 2002

Eric sees Jackie kissing her colleague at the cheese store, Todd (Christopher Kennedy Masterson), and threatens to tell Kelso. Meanwhile, Kitty thinks Red is spending too much time with his Corvette.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Well, look who's finally back. While you were gone, some guy came by to compliment me on my headlights. Pretty sure he wasn't talking about the car!
Red: I got us funnel cakes.
Kitty: It's like a second honeymoon.
Red: Kitty, not in the car.


Quote from Red

Man: Hey, nice 'Vette. You should come see the custom job I did on mine. Cost me three grand and a marriage.
Red: Three grand?
Kitty: And a marriage!
Red: I'll only be a minute, Kitty.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Your ass is mine, cheese puff!
Todd: How did you know my nickname?
Kelso: Wait, your nickname's cheese puff? [Todd nods]
Hyde: Stay focused. Kick his ass!
Kelso: Yeah, right. Good. Yeah. What do you think you're doing kissing my girlfriend huh? Huh?
Todd: Well, maybe if you paid more attention to that gorgeous creature than your little modeling gig, it wouldn't have happened.
Kelso: Little? That picture sold hundreds of young men's briefs all over the greater Kenosha area!
Fez: It's true. I bought three pairs. Very supportive.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Yeah, so look. I know you're a little fella, but I can't let you go around kissing my girlfriend. So you're gonna have to take a punch.
Todd: I understand. [Kelso punches him in the gut]
Donna: That didn't look like it hurt him at all.
Todd: Well, I guess it's my turn.
Kelso: Okay. I didn't mean to scare you, little guy.
[As Kelso holds up a wooden tray, Todd punches it and breaks it in half]
Todd: I'm a black belt.
Hyde: All right! Didn't see that coming!

Quote from Kitty

Red: Thanks to your funnel-cake accident I'll have to spend half the night cleaning out the car.
Kitty: Well, I hope you two will be very happy together.

Quote from Hyde

Eric: Wait, wait, wait. So Kelso got beat up?
Donna: Yeah, by the little dude at the cheese shop.
Hyde: It was awesome, man. Like a hurricane of tiny fists.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: All right, look. Jackie, here's the deal. You cheated on me.
Jackie: You used to cheat on me all the time!
Kelso: Yeah? Well, yeah. But you cheated out of hate, and I cheated out of joy.
Jackie: I didn't cheat out of hate, Michael. I cheated because lately, you've been acting like I don't exist.
Kelso: Well, I sure know you exist now that you Frenched the whole mall. Look, I know that I need to pay more attention to you and I want to forgive you, but I have all this anger built up inside of me and nowhere to put it.
Jackie: Eric knew about the kiss all along and didn't tell you.
Kelso: You knew?
Eric: Jackie.
Jackie: What'd you expect?
Kelso: You're a dead man, Forman!
Jackie: Get him, Michael!

Quote from Kitty

Red: The '58's the only one with the chrome detail.
All: Mmm.
Kitty: Men and cars. Never got it, never will.

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