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Garage Sale

‘Garage Sale’

Season 2, Episode 1 -  Aired September 28, 1999

When Eric and Hyde get stuck helping Red and Kitty throw a garage sale, Hyde bakes "special" brownies to sell off. Meanwhile, Fez discovers feelings for Jackie.

Quote from Laurie

Laurie: Okay. Daddy, I've rounded up some things to help the family out in these trying times.
Red: There. You see, Eric? Your sister's a team player.
Eric: No. These are all my things.
Laurie: Grow up, Eric. They're G.I. Joes.
Eric: [scoffs] Yeah. G.I. Joes with kung-fu grip! What a bitch... [off Red's look] aroony doony.


Quote from Fez

Donna: Okay, so... The Goodbye Girl starts at 2:00, so I'd better go.
Fez: Well, I guess this is goodbye. Girl. [laughs]
Jackie: Fez, you're so funny!
[fantasy: Jackie's hair blows in the wind as she laughs and is lit from above]
Fez: [inner monologue] Well, hello, Jackie.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Forman, this doesn't make any sense. I'm out of brownies, but I should have more money.
Eric: Hyde, that's dirty money. There's never enough.
Hyde: No, man. It's like I lost an entire tray of brownies.
Eric: Wait, what kind of brownies did you lose, Hyde? Were they regular brownies?
Hyde: They were special brownies.
Eric: Ah! Where was the last place you had them?
Hyde: In the oven.
Eric: In my mother's oven?
[Eric and Hyde run upstairs to the kitchen:]
Kitty: Oh, now, Steven, your brownies, they were a big hit. [laughs]

Quote from Eric

Donna: Eric, I was just talking to Jackie, and...
Eric: Donna, not now, okay? See, Hyde? I asked you not to make special brownies, but did you listen?
Hyde: Well...
Eric: Exactly. You didn't. You were just so smart. [sighs] What were you thinking?
Hyde: I...
Eric: Yeah, that's it. Right. That's the problem. You weren't thinking. Now my folks are fried, and I got no car.
Donna: Wait a minute. Brownies? Your mom and dad are?
Eric: Donna... Keep it zipped. Okay? Guess what, buddy. There's a lesson in all this. You know what that lesson is?
Hyde: The lesson is...
Eric: All right, why don't I just tell you what the lesson is? You dance with Mary Jane, you get your toes stepped on, that's right. Consequences, my friend. Yeah, consequences. Now my car is gone, Red's high as a kite.
Donna: Red's high as a kite?
Eric: Okay, Miss Smart Mouth, shut it. Okay? Be quiet.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Well, if it isn't Fez.
Fez: I'm Fez.
Kelso: [imitates Fez] In my country, we make out with our friends' girlfriends because... la dee da.

Quote from Red

Red: You said that we were going for ice cream!
Eric: When we get the car back.
Hyde: You know, you did tell him you were gonna get him ice cream.
Eric: After! And you're not helping! [Red picks up a fire extinguisher] Hey, put that down! [Red sprays Eric and Hyde with the extinguisher] Whoa! That really shot out of there! Sorry. [Eric knocks on the door]
Red: Wait! Wait! Listen. I don't want to do this.
Eric: Well, you have to.
Red: I'll wait in the car.
Eric: No, no, Red. You have to learn to take responsibility for your own actions.
Red: Well, that's stupid!

Quote from Red

Tammy Sue: [opens door] Yeah?
Red: That's not the guy.
Eric: Did your dad buy a car this morning?
Tammy Sue: A station wagon? Yeah. He bought that piece of crap for me.
Red: "Piece of crap"? That's a Vista Cruiser! You could literally... Cruise the Vista.
Tammy Sue: Daddy! Where are the keys to the piece of crap?
Eric: Boy, she's lovely.
Tammy Sue: Give me his check.
Eric: Right. And thanks again. I, too, understand. Parents can be quite a... [she slams the door]
Red: What a bitcharoony doony!

Quote from Red

Eric: Uh, Dad, could you pass...
Red: No!
Eric: Okay.
Red: You know what'd be great for dessert?
Kitty: Hot dogs.
Red: You read my mind.
Kitty: I'll boil the water.
Red: No time!

Quote from Donna

Donna: That actually sounds kind of cool.
Jackie: I know!
Donna: I mean, don't get me wrong. Eric's, you know, he's a great kisser and everything, but... He's never, like, rolled anything.
Jackie: Oh... I just love kissing. Don't you, Donna?
Donna: I'm gonna go find Eric. [runs off]

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: You know, Mrs. Forman, I feel real bad. I mean, you let me stay here and everything. I wish I had something to contribute to your garage sale.
Kitty: Oh, Steven, your loving smile is contribution enough.
Red: No, it's not. Run that upstairs.
Hyde: You heard him, Kelso. Move it.

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