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First Date

‘First Date’

Season 1, Episode 16 - Aired February 14, 1999

Eric invites Donna out on a date on Valentine's Day, even though she'd made plans to study with Hyde. Meanwhile, Red and Kitty have a dinner party with Bob and Midge.

Quote from Eric

Hyde: So, Forman, man, I'm sorry about tonight with Donna. [eats chicken] And for taking your dinner. So, are we cool, man?
Eric: Yeah, man. We've gotta be. Look, we've been friends since kindergarten. No girl's gonna come between us.
Hyde: That's great, man. So, um, if Donna ever breaks up with you and starts dating me, are we still friends?
Eric: [laughs] No. [eats chicken]


Quote from Eric

[As Eric lays on the couch watching TV, enters the basement and sits on top of him]
Eric: Get off me, you moose.
Donna: Oh, God, Eric, I didn't see you sitting there. You should really work on bulking up.
Eric: Maybe you should really work on bulking up.
[As they play wrestle on the floor, the gang walk in]
Fez: What are you watching? Ooh, Gilligan is on. What are you doing in the floor?
Hyde: Yeah. Why don't you guys get a room?
Eric: We have a room, Hyde. It's called my basement.

Quote from Eric

Jackie: So, Eric what were you and Donna talking all hot and heavy about?
Eric: Your hair.
Jackie: Really?
Eric: No.

Quote from Hyde

Eric: We're going out to dinner tomorrow night. For Valentine's Day.
Hyde: Uh, no, no, no. Donna and I are going to the library to study tomorrow night.
Jackie: Who studies on Valentine's Day?
Hyde: Well, I didn't know it was Valentine's Day when I made the date. To study.

Quote from Kelso

Eric: Anyway, I'm gonna give Donna my class ring.
Kelso: Forget rings. You wanna score with Donna, use my super funk eight-track.

Quote from Fez

Eric: Anyway, I figure it's time to make it official. I mean, she's just been waiting for any jerk to swoop down on her.
Hyde: And you're that jerk.
Eric: Well, better me than some other jerk.
Fez: Why are you looking at me? Hyde is the other jerk.

Quote from Eric

Midge: Oh, who knew our two little tykes would grow up to be dating.
Kitty: Oh, no. I have an idea. Let's have dinner tomorrow night. Just the parents. [gasps] I'll fondue. [laughs]
Midge: Oh, yeah. And that'll give us a chance to talk about their future.
Kitty: Oh, right. We can plan a big wedding. [winks] [Bob chuckles]
Eric: I know you're joking. But could you please stop? Please?
Midge: You know, I've- [overlapping chatter]
Bob: You can borrow our car.
Kitty: Girls love corsages.
Red: They got a fried onion brick at The Vineyard, right?

Quote from Fez

Fez: So what do you wanna do?
Hyde: I don't know, man. What do you want to do?
Fez: Oh, let's go to The Hub. I've got my eye on this plump girl.
Hyde: Sounds good, man, but I'll pass.
Fez: Poor Hyde.
Hyde: What?
Fez: You love Donna, and she's with your good friend Eric.
Hyde: And?
Fez: And that's the oldest story in the world. And a sad one at that.

Quote from Eric

Donna: You look really nice tonight.
Eric: Oh, so do you. Look, Donna...
Waiter: Hello! Can I start you folks off with drinks?
Eric: Oh, sure... [deep voice] I'll have a beer.
Waiter: All right.
Donna: Um, I'd like an iced tea. [waiter walks away]
Eric: He didn't even proof me.
Donna: It must be the jacket.
Eric: Or my sideburns.
Donna: What sideburns?
Eric: These sideburns, right. [cutlery clatters] These sideburns.

Quote from Donna

Donna: [loudly] Here, chicken, chicken.
Eric: Donna, please. Ssh.
Donna: Oh, sorry.
Eric: Are- Are you okay?
Donna: I am great.
Eric: I think you're drunk.
Donna: I think I am, too. How could I be drunk?
Waiter: Wait, there's about five shots of alcohol in a Long Island Iced Tea.
Eric: Wait. Long Island Iced Tea?
Waiter: Yeah, you guys ordered drinks.
Donna: And I'm ready for another one.
Eric: Nope, she's good. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you.

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