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Eric's False Alarm

‘Eric's False Alarm’

Season 4, Episode 25 - Aired May 7, 2002

Eric doesn't know what to do when he hears Casey Kelso has booked a motel room for the night with Donna. Kelso can't seem to get over Jackie kissing another guy. Meanwhile, Red and Kitty give Bob and Joanne (Mo Gaffney) relationship advice.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Stay away from my girlfriend!
Jackie: Michael, what are you doing?
Kelso: Well, I can be at the mall now, 'cause I got business. Train business.
Jackie: You have lost your mind!
Kelso: Yep, and I don't miss it!
Jackie: Michael, look at you, riding around on a kiddie train so you can spy on me. I mean, do you not see how crazy this is?
Kelso: Well, yeah. But I- I don't know what to do. I mean, I'm a mess. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Well, I can eat. And then when I eat, I get kind of sleepy. But I am really upset.
Jackie: Look, if we're ever gonna get past this, you have to forget about that stupid little kiss and just try- try to remember that we love each other.
Kelso: I know.
Jackie: So can we please, please just finally move on?
Kelso: I wanna say yes, but it's like we're on this track and we keep going around in circles like some kind of... some kind of... I don't know. I lost my train of thought.


Quote from Donna

Donna: Okay, Forman, what were you doing at the Le Motel last night? And don't say you weren't there, because Leo saw you.
Eric: Wait, wait. Leo thinks he saw me at the Le Motel? [chuckles]
Donna: [sighs] Cut the crap, Eric. You know Casey and I had a room last night so you went there and you pulled the fire alarm all night until we left.
Eric: Fire alarm? I didn't- I didn't pull- Wait. You guys left? So you guys didn't-
Donna: No!
Eric: We spent all night in the parking lot with Leo and his hooty mamas.

Quote from Eric

Donna: Eric, what were you even doing at the motel?
Eric: I don't know. I just- I was fine, right? I mean, we were friends, and that was cool. And now, Donna, all of a sudden it's like the day after we broke up all over again, and... Look, I'm sorry, but when I knew you were gonna be with Casey, I just... I felt... Whatever.
Donna: No, I get it. Remember when you wanted to date other people, and I was so cool about it? Well, I wasn't. It, like, broke my heart.
Eric: So what did you do?
Donna: Well, I didn't know what to do. So, I just, you know...
Eric: Right. Casey. Right. Hey, look, from now on, I'm gonna stay out of your business. I promise.
Donna: Thank you.
Eric: But before that promise goes into effect, I would like it duly noted for the record that I think Casey's all wrong for you. [Donna scoffs] And I think you guys are moving way too fast.
Donna: Duly noted. And I'll stay out of your business too.
Eric: Okay. Good. So I better, uh, drum me up some business, huh? [both chuckle]
[As Donna hugs Eric, he pulls her closer]

Quote from Eric

Eric: Still sleeping, huh? Gosh. Pulling fire alarms all night must really wear you out. That's right. I'm on to you, buddy. You did a nice thing, and I'm telling everybody.
Hyde: Oh, man, I didn't do it to be nice. I did it because I always wanted to commit a felony. Misdemeanors just ain't the rush they used to be.
Eric: Well, all I hear is, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

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