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Season 4, Episode 17 - Aired April 25, 2019

Jonah struggles to fit in at Emma's quinceañera. Dina proves popular with a group of teenage boys. Meanwhile, Mateo and Cheyenne hope to see Amy cry at the event.

Quote from Amy

Amy: How are you doing?
Jonah: Fantastic. Life of the party.
Amy: Man, I am so tired. I really wish I could go home now. You can, though, if you wanted to. You know, if you're if you're feeling beat.
Jonah: I mean, it's only 8:30.
Amy: Oh, okay, only 8:30, Mr. Party All Night. I wish I could be in bed with a good book. Doesn't that sound great?
Jonah: You've literally never read in bed. You play Candy Crush until you're snoring.
Amy: Ha! Yeah, that's true. I love that game.


Quote from Garrett

Dina: Those are my breasts.
Garrett: What? No. I drew those from scratch.
Dina: I think I'd recognize my own breasts. I have over 40 mirrors in my house.
Garrett: Okay, fine, yeah, they're your breasts, but it was just that this nerd kid said that they were fake, and I was like, "No, they're not." And he's like, "Yes, they are," so I...
Dina: This is a really impressive level of detail. Did you just do this from memory?
Garrett: Yeah.
Dina: Wow. I guess I didn't realize how obsessed you are with me.
Garrett: What?
Dina: Well, it's almost sad. Poor Garrett, pining after a woman who barely knows he's alive.
Garrett: No, I think you are reading way too much into a drawing. I draw Garfield too. I don't want to have sex with Garfield. I'm not Jon.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Like at night, when you fantasize about me, do you think of a specific incident of us having sex, or is it more just picturing me there in the moment?
Garrett: Please stop.
Dina: All right. If you're not obsessed with me, then I guess you won't care if I ask McLovin over there to dance.
Garrett: Be my guest.
Dina: Okay, I will. Hey, acne. Let's dance.
Teenage Boy: Me? Yeah. Sure. We did ballroom in gym one time.
Dina: Oh, good.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Hey. Hey. Everything all right? Yeah, I hear ya. Look, I'm sorry about all the you know, the ice and the speech, the towel incident. I really didn't think that you were home. I- I really like your Mom and I know she loves you and then I get all in my head about wanting you to like me. And then-
Emma: I am so high.
Jonah: What?
Emma: I'm freaking out.
Jonah: Oh.

Quote from Jonah

Emma: My cousin Marco brought a vape pen, and, at first, I didn't feel anything and so I did some more and then I wasn't even sure if there was anything in it because Marco is a liar and now I am very feeling something a lot.
Jonah: Okay, okay, it's... It's... It's gonna be okay.
Emma: I feel like my heart's filling with blood.
Jonah: Then it's doing its job. Listen, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get your Mom-
Emma: No, no, you can't tell my parents.
Jonah: Right. Right. Right. Okay. Okay. Well, then we're just gonna sit here and ride it out.
Connie: Hey, can I sit with my little princess?
Jonah: Nah, we're good.
Connie: I'd like to sit with my granddaughter-
Jonah: Connie, please!

Quote from Dina

Dina: The kid says he thinks I'm hotter than Tia Carrere.
Teenage Boy: Well, no, I-
Dina: Yeah, yeah. He's super into me!
Garrett: Okay, cool.
Mateo: What is she doing?
Garrett: She's trying to seduce a 15-year-old kid in order to make me jealous.
Mateo: Is it working?
Garrett: Not really.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: This is my first quinceañera! I love your Latinx traditions. Huh? How am I doing?

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: So this has one terabyte on it. If you could just put all the raw footage on there. You don't have to edit it. I'll take care of that.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: I'm sorry. I ruined the quinceañera. I made it weird. I-I-I don't know why I-
Amy: She was high. She told me.
Jonah: Ah.
Amy: That was a very nice thing you did. But, uh, for future reference, the next time my child is on drugs, tell me.
Jonah: Got it. I did see Parker snorting cocaine off his Paw Patrol table last week.
Amy: Oh, yeah, no, I knew about that one.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Hey, Amy, you've gotta see this video of a deaf kid hearing his mother's voice for the first time.
Amy: Um, I'm okay, thank you.
Mateo: It's really moving, though.
Amy: Just not not right now. [Cheyenne kicks Amy] Ow! Ow! What the hell, Cheyenne?
Cheyenne: Um, uh, I'm sorry. I was just trying something. It didn't work, okay. Sorry, night, okay.
Jonah: You really should've kicked her back.

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