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Ladies' Lunch

‘Ladies' Lunch’

Season 2, Episode 13 -  Aired February 2, 2017

After Glenn inadvertently reveals that Amy is in marriage counseling, Dina takes Amy and her colleages out for a ladies' lunch. Meanwhile, Jonah and Garrett invent a game to pass the time in the otherwise empty store.

Quote from Justine

Justine: I should not be drinking this! I am so out of control! [laughs]


Quote from Dina

Dina: Hello... hello, Glenn. Good mor... afternoon. Good afternoon to you.
Glenn: How far would I have to drive to see a prairie?
Dina: I'm on it. I'll find that out right now.
Glenn: Thank you.
Dina: Just in a second.
Glenn: Are you okay?
Dina: Uh, yeah. I'm okay. 'Cause I am a professional, so... You want me to touch my nose with my finger? No problem. Okay? You want me to do the alphabet backwards? Sure. Z, Y... [long pause] X.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Good morning, everyone. Hey, who here likes cash, huh? [all exclaim] Oh, good, I'm glad you're excited, because our computer system is down, so today all we can take is cash.
Cheyenne: What?
Garrett: Why are you waving the cash around like that?
Glenn: I thought it would make you excited. Like I was gonna give you the cash or something.
Garrett: Yeah.

Quote from Glenn

Dina: You know what? It's probably drugs. You can tell from her teeth.
Glenn: It is not drugs! It's just marriage counseling. [all exclaim] How is that worse than drugs?
Cheyenne: Is Amy gonna get divorced?
Glenn: Look, I shouldn't have said anything, okay? Look, Adam hasn't even moved out. He's just sleeping in the basement.
Dina: What?
Garrett: Shut up!
Glenn: How is that worse than divorce?
Cheyenne: Oh, my God.
Justine: That is so bad.
Glenn: She told me this in confidence. So, you know, just clam up your face holes.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: Sorry I'm late. Traffic. [all murmuring agreement]
Glenn: It's okay.
Jonah: Oh, man, traffic will slow things down.
Garrett: Oh, dude, especially in this town, you know? With all the cars.
Dina: Traffic.
Cheyenne: [hysterical laugh] Sorry.
Amy: Oh, okay. So everybody knows about my counseling.
Glenn: Well, they do now!

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Oh, hey. I just wanted to let you know I restocked all the toothpaste that Myrtle decided looked "just fine" in electronics, so...
Amy: And?
Jonah: And... what?
Amy: Well, I know there's more.
Jonah: No, there's not. There's just... There's just no shame in counseling. Is all I'm saying.
Amy: And there it is.
Jonah: No. Mental health is important and it shouldn't be stigmatized. I think it's ridiculous that...
Amy: Jonah, please stop. I know you're trying to help me and I really appreciate it, but I don't want to talk about it, okay? I don't. I just want everybody to treat me normally. Okay?

Quote from Sandra

Amy: Oh, hey, Sandra, I...
Sandra: Shh. [hugs Amy]
Amy: Oh, God.
Sandra: It's okay. You are loved.
Amy: Mm-hmm.

Quote from Marcus

Jonah: Guys, it's not that big a deal. It's just counseling. They're gonna be fine.
Marcus: Yeah, but if the marriage goes pffft... I call dibs on Amy.
Jonah: But you can't just call dibs on a human.
Marcus: Why, did you already call it?

Quote from Jonah

Garrett: He's already got a girlfriend.
Marcus: Oh.
Jonah: No, actually, Naomi and I broke up.
Justine: Whoa!
Carol: Because of Amy?
Jonah: No, gross. Because she thought of me more as a brother.

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: But you don't have dibs on Amy, then.
Jonah: No.
Marcus: Cool. Dibs! Dibs infinity! No takebacks. Mm! Yeah! Durbs!

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