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Season 5, Episode 13 - Aired January 23, 2020

When Amy tries to make Mateo her assistant, some of the other employees accuse her of favoritism. Glenn and Dina clash over a new layout on the shop floor. Meanwhile, Jonah feels left out when Garrett hosts a party at his place.

Quote from Amy

Marcus: Mateo, that's awesome! But Amy, that's bung. I mean, you say you don't play favorites, but then you give the sweet assistant job to your brother-in-law.
Amy: Okay, Mateo is not my brother-in-law. He and Eric are just boyfriends.
Mateo: Boyfriends? Did he say boyfriends?
Marcus: Well, I'd want the job, too. I've been dying for a desk job. At least give us a chance to interview for it.
Justine: Yeah, come on.
Sayid: Or maybe we should call HR after all.
Amy: Look, you guys, I just... I didn't realize that there would be so much excitement for the job. So seeing as it's not finalized...
Mateo: I'm sorry, it's not?
Amy: Nope. Uh, let's... let's open this up. Uh, anyone can apply.
Mateo: Anyone.


Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Sandra, what are you doing?
Sandra: Dina said this was a bad idea and told me to redo the display.
Glenn: Oh, Dina said that.
Sandra: Yeah. Yeah.
Glenn: She can't stand that I have authority now, so she's trying to cut me off at the thighs. Well, I'm the floor supervisor, so... so put it all back. And make it bigger.
Sandra: What do you mean bigger?
Glenn: I mean bigger!

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: So, looks like we have a last-minute applicant. Cheyenne.
Cheyenne: Hey. Yeah, I really want this job, but now that I see Mateo's here, it's like, what's the point? I should just give up now. We all should.
Amy: Okay, thank you, Cheyenne.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: You know what? I'm tired of everybody thinking of me as just your boyfriend, okay? Even Garrett sees me like that. He thinks I spend all of my time with you and the kids.
Amy: Well, I mean, you kinda do.
Jonah: Oh, come on.
Amy: But if you wanted to, like, spend more time with your boys, I'd be totally cool with that. Do you have boys?
Jonah: Yes. Yes, I have boys. I have lots of boys. Shane.
Amy: Mm.
Jonah: Grant. Julien.
Amy: Julien, Emma's French tutor?
Jonah: We connected. We both love the cuisine.

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: Hey, Garrett. Hey. What's up?
Garrett: I forgot my lunch, so I'm just grabbing something from the café.
Jonah: Ah, come on. You don't wanna put this garbage in your body. [to a customer] Not garbage. Enjoy your... your cheese dog, sir. [to Garrett] Uh, anyway. I was gonna take Amy out to lunch. But guess who I'm taking instead?
Garrett: Oh. God, why?

Quote from Glenn

Dina: Are you kidding me?
Glenn: Dina, don't you dare.
Dina: As assistant manager, I have authority over Sandra.
Glenn: Uh, I also have authority over Sandra because you and I are equal now.
Dina: Oh, please. Sandra, take it down.
Glenn: Sandra, no. You leave it up.
Dina: If you don't listen to me, I will write you up for insubordination.
Glenn: Oh, too late, 'cause I'm already writing you up.
Sandra: No, no, no, no.
Dina: Not if I get there first!
Glenn: What is the form number?
Dina: B-17.
Glenn: Thank you. Did they change it?
Dina: Yes, they did.
Sandra: Is that gonna count as one write up or two?
Glenn: One!
Dina: Two!
Sandra: Sounds good.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Dina doesn't want me putting items on the floor. Well, I am gonna show her just how many items I can put on the floor. I'm gonna put out thousands.
Sandra: There's only 78 tablets.
Glenn: Well, then we'll put out 78, but it'll be the most 78 you've ever seen.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: All right, all right. Wings are on the way. I got tokens for skee-ball and I got a table keg.
Garrett: Dude, you know we have to go back to work.
Jonah: Who cares? Who cares? Don't worry about it. This is our bro time. This is our brocade. Well, that's a... that's a type of embroidery, but you get it.
Garrett: Hey, look, man, you don't have to prove anything. It's just, you're in a different phase in your life right now, and that's okay.
Jonah: Oh, look who it is. Hey, Randy.
Garrett: Hey. Randy, what are you doing here?
Randy: Joseph DM'd me.
Jonah: Joseph. Jonah.
Randy: Uh, he said Garrett really needs you right now.
Jonah: Yeah, needs you to hang with us, uh, because it's guys' night, you know? Guys'... Well, it's lunch, so... Guys'... Guys' lunch.
Garrett: Dude.

Quote from Cheyenne

Mateo: You have to fix this. Now.
Amy: I know. Okay. Maybe I can ask everybody to do things that only you're good at.
Mateo: Okay.
Cheyenne: Mm, oh, yeah. Like kissing your brother.
Amy: I'm not ruling it out.

Quote from Sandra

Mateo: Ah, where's the printer? Who moved the printer? Sayid, where's the printer?
Sandra: I won't tell you. I have an alliance with Justine.
Mateo: How does that even work?

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