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Quote from Glenn in Favoritism

Dina: Are you kidding me?
Glenn: Dina, don't you dare.
Dina: As assistant manager, I have authority over Sandra.
Glenn: Uh, I also have authority over Sandra because you and I are equal now.
Dina: Oh, please. Sandra, take it down.
Glenn: Sandra, no. You leave it up.
Dina: If you don't listen to me, I will write you up for insubordination.
Glenn: Oh, too late, 'cause I'm already writing you up.
Sandra: No, no, no, no.
Dina: Not if I get there first!
Glenn: What is the form number?
Dina: B-17.
Glenn: Thank you. Did they change it?
Dina: Yes, they did.
Sandra: Is that gonna count as one write up or two?
Glenn: One!
Dina: Two!
Sandra: Sounds good.

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