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The Junk Mail

‘The Junk Mail’

Season 9, Episode 5 - Aired October 30, 1997

Kramer tries to get out of the postal system. George's parents start avoiding him. Jerry's friend gets him a van instead of a new Saab. Elaine falls for a guy in a fairy tale moment.

Quote from Jerry

George: Hey, what is that? That van's a-rockin'.
Jerry: Don't go a-knockin'.
Estelle Costanza: [after George opens the door] Oh, my God!
George: Oh, my God!
Frankie: Oh, you gotta sell this van.
Jerry: Oh, yeah.


Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Well, I've had it with these jackbooted thugs!
Jerry: Pottery Barn?
Kramer: I got three Pottery Barn catalogs in one day. That makes eight this month.
George: [looking at cover] Mira Sorvino. Think she'd go out with me?
Jerry: Why don't you just throw 'em out?
Kramer: Oh, no. I've been saving them up here in your apartment. And now, it's payback time. Pottery Barn is in for a world of hurt.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Hey, you like sending out catalogs!? How do you like getting them back!?

Quote from David Puddy

David Puddy: Seriously, is this the best okra you've ever had, or what?
Elaine: Mmm. De-lish.
David Puddy: Delish?
Elaine: Delish. You know, short for delicious.
David Puddy: Oh, like scrump.
Elaine: Yeah.
David Puddy: [checks water] I'm gonna be late. See you later.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [on the phone] Yeah. Yeah. All right. Uh-huh.
George: [knocks, feigns a Chinese accent] Chinese food!
Jerry: Oh! There's my Chinese food, I gotta run. [hangs up] All you.
George: Who was it?
Jerry: I did a show for a car dealership and they're getting me a new SAAB.
George: What about your old car? They couldn't get Kramer's blood out of it?
Jerry: No, the engine clotted.

Quote from Jerry

George: Wasn't Fragile Frankie the one that used to run into the woods every time he got upset?
Jerry: That's him.
George: Is he still nuts?
Jerry: What do you think? They gave me a new car for thirty minutes of 'So, who's from out of town?'

Quote from George

Jerry: So, maybe they had Chinese food?
George: After dark? Please. At their age, that's like swallowing stun grenades.
Jerry: Well, there's one way to check. Where there's Chinese food, there's leftovers.
Elaine: [enters] Well, gentlemen. Laney is... in love.
George: That's dynamite. Yeah, I'll look for the Chinese food leftovers.
Elaine: Hey, hey, hey! I met this guy! And it was like this, totally unreal, fairy tale moment.
Jerry: It wasn't Whitey Fisk, was it?
Elaine: Oh, George's friend. Whatever happened to him?
George: Nothing. Uh, I don't know. I gotta go.

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: So, this is beautiful. You, and Puddy, and this new guy, in a big pot of love stew.
Elaine: Oh, yeah. Puddy. Well, I won't fire him until I see if this new guy can... handle the workload.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, Frankie! So, where's the car?
Frankie: This is it.
Jerry: Inside the van?
Frankie: It is the van! Don't you remember, we always talked about how cool it would be to have a van and just drive?
Jerry: We were ten.
Frankie: Come on. Let's take it for a spin.
Jerry: [to Elaine] I don't want a van.
Elaine: Well, just tell him you want the SAAB.
Jerry: You don't understand. This is Fragile Frankie Merman. When we were in camp, if you upset him, he'd run out to the woods, dig a hole, and sit in it.
Elaine: Well, I have an idea. Keep the van, and get a bumper sticker that says, "If this vans a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'."
Jerry: Always helpful.

Quote from Elaine

Jack: Elaine, I'm sorry I'm late.
[Elaine hears harp sounds as she looks dreamily at Jack's face]
Jack: I'm gonna be in the can.
Elaine: Okay, Jack. [to the cashier] Can I use your phone?
Cashier: Sure.
Elaine: [on the phone] Puddy? It's Elaine. We're through. Yeah, that's right. Again.

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