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The Good Samaritan

‘The Good Samaritan’

Season 3, Episode 20 -  Aired March 4, 1992

After Jerry witnesses a hit-and-run car incident, he is conflicted when he goes to confront the attractive driver of the car. Meanwhile, George causes marital trouble when he dines with Elaine and her friends.

Quote from Jerry

Angela: You know who's a good actor? Anthony Quinn.
Jerry: Oh, Anthony Quinn, fine actor. But from what I understand, not a very good driver. Hits everything on the road. But always leaves a note.
Angela: Did you ever see Zorba the Greek?
Jerry: Excellent film. In fact Quinn said he never felt so good as when he left a note after smacking into a car.
Angela: Come here.


Quote from George

George: Really, I was... I was only kidding around.
Robin: He was only joking Michael.
Michael: You think you're so damn special because you say 'God bless you'?
George: No, no, I don't think I'm special. My mother always said I'm not special.
Robin: He was only joking Michael! Sorry.
Michael: All right! Take his side!
Robin: I am not taking his side.
Michael: Well, who's side are you taking?!
Robin: Well, I'm not taking your side!
[After Robin sneezes, George gestures to Michael that the floor is his]

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Kirk Douglas. Now there's another very bad driver. But he's such an unbelievable guy, that when he hits someone, he doesn't even leave a note. He sits in his car and waits for the other person to show up so he can
exchange license, registration, and apologize.

Quote from Jerry

George: I said, "God bless you". Was that so wrong?
Jerry: The question is, did you allow a space for the husband to come in with his "God bless you"? Because as the husband, he has the right to first refusal.
Elaine: [over intercom] It's me.
Jerry: Come on up.
George: Yes, yes, I definitely waited. But let me say this: Once he passes on that option, that "God bless you" is up for grabs.
Jerry: No argument. Unless, she's one of these multiple sneezers, and he's holding his "God bless you" in abeyance, until she completes the series.
George: Well I don't think she is a multiple sneezer, because she sneezed again later, and it was also a single.
Jerry: What if she's having an off night?

Quote from George

Elaine: Well, If it isn't mister gesundheit!
George: Oh, yeah. Like there's something wrong with saying "God bless you". I was raised to say "God bless you". [Jerry sneezes] Ah, shut up.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: You know, if you want to make a person feel better after they sneeze, you shouldn't say "God bless you", you should say, "You're so good looking''.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Are you actually considering this?
George: I can't have an affair with a married woman, that's despicable!
Elaine: Yeah, it's like hitting a car and driving away without leaving a note.
Jerry: Yeah.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Hey, you know who owns that car?
Jerry: What car?
Kramer: The one that was hit a couple of nights ago.
Jerry: Yeah, who?
Kramer: That blond across the street. You know the one with the long ponytail, she wears those blue sweatpants.
Jerry: The blond with the blue sweatpants! Yeah, I think I've seen her.
Elaine: Well, I've got to get going. I'm meeting a guy with grey sweatpants.
Kramer: Wait, wait, wait. How do you know it's not John Tesh?

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Anyway, I just wanted you to know, that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure the party responsible is made to be responsible or something very close to that.
Becky: [strokes Jerry's arm] Well, God bless you.
Jerry: Thank you very much.

Quote from George

George: Oh, my God. I must be crazy. What have I done?
Robin: Oh no, what's wrong?
George: What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong. I just committed adultery!
Robin: You didn't commit adultery, I did.
George: Oh, yeah.
Robin: If I didn't do it with you, I would have done it with someone else.
George: Well, I wouldn't want you to do that. You know, there's a lot of losers out there.
Robin: Maybe even someone who didn't say, "God bless you".
George: Well, that's a given.
Robin: In three years with Michael, not one "God bless you".
George: Must be hell living in that house.

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