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The Blood

‘The Blood’

Season 9, Episode 4 - Aired October 16, 1997

Kramer takes his blood back from the bank. Jerry tries to get in shape. George wants to introduce food into the bedroom. Meanwhile, Elaine ends up baby-sitting her friend's kid.

Quote from George

George: Hey, speaking of which, I found a great way to separate the skin from the top of the pudding without leaving any around the edges: Exacto knife.
Jerry: I told you George, no more pudding. I'm starting a purification program. Keep all that kind of food away from me.
George: Well, I guess these would be out of the question. [pulls out two pudding skins in plastic bags.]
Jerry: What the hell is that?
George: Pudding skin singles.


Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Hey, buddy, I'm borrowing all your Tupperware.
Jerry: Oh. Why?
Kramer: Well, I closed down my account at the blood bank.
Jerry: What, it's here? It's here in the building?
Kramer: Right across the hall. What, you wanna go see it?
Jerry: No, I don't! In fact, if even one corpuscle of that blood should find its way across that hall I will freak out on you, Kramer! Freak out.
Kramer: You know, for a fat guy, you're not very jolly.

Quote from Kramer

Elaine: Hey, working out?
Jerry: You know it and I ditched all my junk food.
Kramer: [looking in the fridge] What the heck is going on here?
Jerry: Sorry, buddy. Clean house. It's all health food.
Kramer: [holding an array of vegetables] Well, I may have to take it, but I don't have to like it.

Quote from Kramer

Elaine: [on the phone] Vivian, hi, it's Elaine. Yeah, I'm over at Jerry's. I got your message. What? Yeah, he's right here. Hold on. [hands phone to Kramer]
Kramer: For me? [on the phone] Go... Yeah, what tonight? Yeah, I'll be there...Yeah later. [hangs up] Well, somebody's baby-sitting.
Elaine: You? I'm more responsible than you are!
Kramer: Don't be ridiculous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to fill my freezer with my own blood.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Aah!
Kramer: It's okay, Jerry. I'm right here.
Jerry: I can see that. What happened?
Kramer: That knife, it nicked your jugular. You know Jerry, when somebody yells "Heads up", you're not supposed to actually look up.
Jerry: I'll remember that.
Kramer: Anyway, you were lucky that I was there. You lost a lot of blood.
Jerry: What?
Kramer: Oh, yeah. You've got three pints of Kramer in you, buddy.
[After Jerry starts to scream, Kramer joins in]

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: Hey, how was baby-sitting?
Elaine: Oh, just great. I found out that Vivian has some kind of medical problem and if the worst happens she wants me to take care of Jimmy.
Jerry: Oh, I'm sure it won't be the worst.
Elaine: It doesn't matter. I mean, if anything happens to her, I'm on deck! Scissors mishap, air show disaster, Chinese organ thieves. It's a dangerous world.
George: She's right. I heard Kramer got mugged out on the suburbs on a baby-sitting gig.
Jerry: Really?

Quote from Jerry

Izzy: Hello, dough boy.
Jerry: Mr. Mandelbaum? You're the personal trainer?
Izzy: I'm here to whip you into shape. So grab your jocks, if you need one. It's go-time.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Ok, Mr. Mandelbaum, what you want me to do?
Izzy: Drop your purse, honey, and pick up that medicine ball.
Jerry: Is this a gym or some kind of fitness museum?
Izzy: Not funny. Over your head with it. Are you ready?
Jerry: For what?
Izzy: All aboard the pain train!
[Wearing boxing gloves, Mr. Mandelbaum starts hitting Jerry in the stomach. Jerry shows no reaction.]
Jerry: How many session did my parents paid for?
Izzy: Not enough to make a man of you, daffodil.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Blood over there, sausages over here. I'm living in a slaughter house.
Izzy: [enters] Tonight, I want you to sleep on this. Toughens the vertebrae. What in holy hell? Sausages? Is this your diet?
Jerry: No, they're not mine Mr. Mandelbaum.
Izzy: Don't lie to me, butterbean. We're taking it up a notch.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I can't believe I got another session with Izzy Mandelbaum. He's probably gonna make me box a kangaroo.

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