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My Transition

‘My Transition’

Season 5, Episode 24 -  Aired May 16, 2006

J.D. and Kim go on their first date together. Meanwhile, Dr. Cox and Jordan celebrate Jack growing out of diapers by giving all his baby stuff away to Turk and Carla.

Quote from J.D.

Kim: J..D, I hope you're not beating yourself up about this.
J.D.: Oh, Kim, I'm sorry, I wanted to do something fun for our first date.
Kim: No. It was so much more fun then, then you think. I mean, the first seven or eight minutes rocked. Admittedly, it was a little bit more like work after that. But at least I got to third base with you.
J.D.: [v.o.] And there it was. The moment where pity was turning into genuine affection. Classic Dorian.
J.D.: I feel like we kind of missed first base.
Kim: Me, too.
J.D.: Well, maybe we should fix that.
Kim: We should.
J.D.: [v.o.] And then it happened. Elliot Reid. Moment Killer.


Quote from J.D.

Elliot: What's up, guys? Tell me every detail about the date.
Kim: We went horseback riding on the beach.
Elliot: Oh, yes. I've been on that date.
Kim: Really?
J.D.: What? I had a coupon.

Quote from Jordan

J.D.: [v.o.] I wasn't the only one to have an uninvited guest.
Jordan: [groans] You know what sucks? I didn't even eat any of that crappy shower food and I still feel nauseous. In fact, I've been nauseous for, like, two weeks.
[Dr. Cox and Jordan suddenly turn to each other in panic]
Jordan: I've been exhausted all week.
Jordan: My boobs are so big right now.
Jordan: Yep, I'm pregnant.
Jack: I pooped in my bed so I put it on the TV.

Quote from Jordan

Dr. Cox: Please forgive me, but since I had a vasectomy last year, nay, two vasectomies, I feel, I feel I just have to ask. Did you cheat on me?
Jordan: No. And you know me. I always tell.
Dr. Cox: Oh, that's true. That's pretty much why we work well together.

Quote from Janitor

[J.D. tears down a poster featuring his face and the text "Come chill at my Big Gay Deck !!"]
J.D.: Are you responsible for this?
Janitor: What are you talking about? I'm selling my old mop. The 2007s are in.
J.D.: Sorry.
[The Janitor turns the mop poster over for one featuring J.D. and the text "Old? Gay? Like Decks?"]

Quote from J.D.

Turk: All right, Kim's right there. We spent all morning crafting a line so raw with confidence, that if you pull it off, you're back in the game.
J.D.: I'm afraid, Mocha Bear.
Turk: I know. Buck up!
J.D.: Hey, Kim.
Kim: Oh, hey, J.D. How're you feeling?
J.D.: Well, uh the swelling's gone down... for now.
Kim: [laughs] You're an idiot.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Go out with me again tonight.
Kim: Oh, J.D., I'd love to, but I'm going to a Neil Diamond concert.
J.D.: With who?
J.D.: [v.o.] Elliot Reid. Moment Killer.

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: You know what J.D. 's got planned since it's his day off and he's dateless?
J.D.: This is my first scooter rally. Do you want to be Ponch or Jon?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Ugh. I hate cleaning up after those messy old queens. Ooh, appletini? When did they start drinking straight guy drinks? Mmm. It's fresh.

Quote from Elliot

Kim: What's up, chicken butt?
J.D.: Hey, Kim. What happened to Neil Diamond?
Elliot: I haven't seen Keith in a while, so I'm gonna take him instead. Kim's letting me off the hook.
J.D.: [mouths] Thank you.
Elliot: [mouths] You're welcome.

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