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My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu

‘My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu’

Season 5, Episode 22 - Aired May 9, 2006

In his fifth year at the hospital, J.D. set the feeling he's experienced it all before. When Dr. Cox returns to work, Elliot wonders whether he's lost his confidence. Meanwhile, Carla gets annoyed as she watches Turk enjoy things she can't have during pregnancy.

Quote from Turk

J.D.: Why you playing basketball anyway? I thought you had to have lunch with Carla.
Turk: Nah, she's taking a pregnancy nap so I get to do whatever I want. I'm telling you, J.D., Carla being pregnant is awesome for me.
Turk: [v.o.] I get to watch whatever I want while she reads her pregnancy book. I get to eat all the good food. And, of course, ring of fire. Bottom line, pregnancy's awesome!


Quote from Dr. Cox

Elliot: Dr. Cox, do you have a second?
Dr. Cox: Of course.
Elliot: I was wondering-
Dr. Cox: You're done.
Elliot: What?
Dr. Cox: You asked for a second and I gave you second. I think you'll find I'm being quite literal here at work today. You can ask anyone. Lonnie, what happened earlier when you said, "Give me a break"?
Lonnie: You broke my sunglasses in half.
Dr. Cox: Had to be done. The man looked preposterous in aviators.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Elliot: Dr. Cox, you still haven't made a decision about how to treat your patient Mrs. Goldstein.
Dr. Cox: Oh, thanks for the reminder, Barboo. What would I do without you?
Elliot: Look, joke if you want to, but eventually you're gonna have to make a decision. Mrs. Goldstein's life depends on it.
Dr. Cox: But what if I'm wrong?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: All right. She'll have a ginger ale, he'll have a beer, and I'll have an appletini. You know what, hell, I'm gonna have a real drink. Make it a nectarini.
Bartender: I don't know what that is.
J.D.: Oh, come on, Kevin. You know. Make it. Hey, guys, make sure I don't have too many of those nectarinis because I've gotta drive my bicycle home.

Quote from Turk

Turk: Dude, don't even worry about it. Carla can't drink. She'll drive you home. Right, baby?
Carla: Sure.
J.D.: Sweet.
Turk: Better idea, why don't you just come over to our place, she's going straight to bed. We can stay up late and watch Judge Dredd.
Both: [high-five] Ninety-ninth viewing!

Quote from J.D.

Bartender: OK, ice cold beer, nectarini and ginger ale.
Turk: There's nothing better in this world than the first sip of an ice cold beer after a long day.
J.D.: Ditto for a 'tini.
Turk: It really takes the edge off.

Quote from J.D.

Carla: That's it. No beer for you. It's not fair. I'm here pregnant, you two are having the time of your lives. From now on, anything I can't do you can't do.
J.D.: Carla, that's ridiculous!
Carla: Not you!
J.D.: Oh. Fair is fair, Turk. Incidentally, dynamite nectarini. That man knows his way around nectar.

Quote from Elliot

Dr. Cox: You know, I used to just look into my gut and know what to do. Now I got all this self-doubt. Barbie, you got massive amounts of doubt, romantically, professionally, personally. How do you deal with it?
Elliot: Treadmill, crank the incline up to 15 and just run through the tears. Look, Dr. Cox, I know that you're scared, but, believe me, your gut is still there. You just have to have the courage to listen to it again.
Dr. Cox: You really think so?
Elliot: I know so.
Dr. Cox: Push thrombolytics. And thank you, Barbie.
Elliot: I'm just glad you let me help.

Quote from Elliot

J.D.: [v.o.] There's no better feeling than helping someone out.
Elliot: Laverne, Dr. Cox made a decision about Mrs. Goldstein. He wants to push thrombolytics.
Nurse Roberts: Yeah, I know. He told me that three hours ago.
Elliot: What?
J.D.: [v.o.] Maybe that's why it hurts that much more when you end up looking like a fool.

Quote from Elliot

Turk: This is why the headache didn't go away. It's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic, all right? The pills go in your mouth.
J.D.: Elliot, do you ever get déjà vu around here?
Dr. Cox: Ah, Barbie, there you are. Thank God.
Elliot: Unfortunately, yes.

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