‘My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu’
Season 5, Episode 22 - Aired May 9, 2006
In his fifth year at the hospital, J.D. set the feeling he's experienced it all before. When Dr. Cox returns to work, Elliot wonders whether he's lost his confidence. Meanwhile, Carla gets annoyed as she watches Turk enjoy things she can't have during pregnancy.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
Intern: Dr. Kelso, it's so cold in Pediatrics, the kids are wearing mittens.
Dr. Kelso: Hey, champ, what has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap? Bob Kelso. How you doing?
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] Or the Janitor having menace in his eyes.
Nurse Roberts: That looks like trouble.
Janitor: Hey, come here a sec. We want to do stuff to you.
J.D.: [v.o.] OK, just distract them before they do what they've got planned.
Janitor: We were thinking-
J.D.: I got a riddle for you.
Troy: This isn't how you said it would go.
Janitor: Troy. We're listening.
Janitor: Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one of them is not a nickel.
Janitor: I feel like I've heard this before. What are they?
J.D.: It's a riddle. You figure it out.
Janitor: Troy, get your hat. We're going to the bank.
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Cox: As you know, I can't make a decision without your help, so here goes. On Oprah, there's a story about Lindsay Lohan's eating disorder, but on E! there's a story about Lindsay Lohan's fabulous new Tribeca loft. Don't get me wrong, I want to watch something about Lindsay Lohan. I'm just a little lost here.
J.D.: FYI, that loft is Lohan-tastic. It's vintage Lindsay.
Dr. Cox: Oh.
Elliot: Dr. Cox, when you walked away from Mrs. Goldstein anyone could've thought you were in trouble.
Dr. Cox: I had to go the bathroom, Barbie. [whistles] People, from now on, if anyone needs to take a leak, please notify Dr. Reid. It is a pet peeve of hers.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
Dr. Kelso: Careful, Turkleton. First, it's no coffee. Next thing you know, she's going to want you in the delivery room, holding her hands while she pushes that little bugger out.
Carla: My man will be there when his baby is born.
Dr. Kelso: Of course he will. It's a different generation. [to Turk] Know this, 90 percent of all childbirths are accompanied by an accidental dookie.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] It's understandable why I've been feeling so much déjà vu. After five years, it's hard not to feel like you're repeating moments week after week.
Todd: Hey, I gotta run. They're doing a breast reduction on three, and I want to get up there and stop it. You know what I'm talking about!
Dr. Kelso: Son, do you not realize that you're nothing but a large pair of scrubs to me?
J.D.: [v.o.] So I guess all you can do is try to notice the subtle differences within those moments. Whether it's Turk's response to the baby stuff Carla makes him do...
Carla: Friday, we have to meet with the baby-proofer at the apartment.
Turk: I can't wait.
J.D.: [v.o.] Or it not bothering Elliot as much when Dr. Cox gives her a hard time.
Dr. Cox: Barbie, why did you order this test? For the love of God, are you a real doctor or a doctor like Julius Erving is a doctor? [Elliot laughs]
J.D.: [v.o.] Of course, sometimes, things are gonna repeat themselves in the exact same way.
J.D.: What the hell?
Janitor: It's a riddle. Two guys destroyed your bike with a softball bat and a crowbar. One of them wasn't me.
J.D.: Oh, that's what happened to my old bike. Ha! Good day, fellas.
Janitor: See you tomorrow. Troy! This one's over.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] Today started off on a high note. Ernie, the homeless guy, shattered the record for the most blood donations in a month.
Ernie: Whoo!
Turk: Congratulations, Ernie. Nineteen pints!
[Ernie falls face down]
J.D.: He probably needs a little more juice.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] Since Dr. Cox was back, I decided to knock out all my errands extra quick. And what better way to get started than with my new 18-wheeler scooter horn? [horn honks] First, I grabbed a quick lunch. Then I returned some e-mails. Finally, a shortcut through the mall parking lot, which meant dealing with the skate rats and their famous ring o' fire.
J.D.: Ring of fire! Whoo-hoo! Top that, dude! Sasha! No!
Quote from Turk
J.D.: [v.o.] That's what déjà vu is, feeling like you've lived the same moments a thousand times. Whether it's Turk's tepid response to the annoying baby stuff Carla makes him do.
Carla: Friday, we have to meet the baby-proofer at the apartment.
Turk: [sarcastically] Oh, I can't wait!
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Cox: Oh, is there a reason you're still near me?
Elliot: Well, we covered Mrs. Goldstein while you were gone, but you're back so she's your patient again. Her BP's been dropping, so it might be time to push thrombolytics.
Dr. Cox: Yeah, but- Yeah, but she could bleed out.
Elliot: Well, I suppose you could wait and see how she does.
Dr. Cox: Well, then she could decompensate.
Elliot: Well, those are the two options, so what are you gonna do?
Dr. Cox: I'll be right back.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: J.D. robs the ball! Black guy open!
[The ball is punctured on Leonard's hook[
Leonard: No ball in the hall.
Both: Sorry, Leonard.
Turk: You know, I wouldn't be so mad if that was the first time that had happened.
J.D.: Relax, they come three to a can.