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My Cookie Pants

‘My Cookie Pants’

Season 8, Episode 6 - Aired January 27, 2009

Dr. Kelso gives Dr. Cox some advice when he's considered for the role of Chief of Medicine. J.D. tries to get Denise to empathize more with patients. Meanwhile, Elliot wants to make things special when she and J.D. finally have sex again.

Quote from Denise

Denise: Do you know why I got into medicine?
J.D.: I assumed there was some sort of flyer outside football practice.
Denise: [laughs sarcastically] No. Look, I don't care that I'm not that feminine. I still look rockin' hot when I'm naked so I can get it whenever I want it.
J.D.: Okay, now that was feminine.
Denise: Shut up. I became a doctor because I love the nuts and bolts of it all. Like that woman over there. I am fascinated by the way her heart pumps blood through her body like a machine, the way her axons are covered in a thin layer of myelin like an insulated electrical wire. But tell me to empathize with her, to be totally open and vulnerable? Ugh. No, I-I can't even do that with my own family, let alone a total stranger. I'm not sure I can get past that.


Quote from Elliot

Elliot: Turk, come on. I'm desperate.
Turk: Elliot, Todd and I are in the middle of teaching our interns how to do an appendectomy.
Elliot: Oh, please, you just cut it out and sew him up.
Turk: She's right, actually. Finish up.
Elliot: Look, Carla always says that making love with you is perfect.
Turk: [chuckles] Yeah, she did.
Elliot: Tell me what makes it so special. I mean, she says that you even cry sometimes.
Turk: Thank you for sharing.

Quote from Turk

Elliot: I just want things to be different with J.D. this time, to be better.
Turk: You wanna know what's so special about Carla and me? That we don't have to try and make it special.
Okay? We're just connected. If you want things to be different With J.D. This time around, you're gonna have to give up All of that immature, neurotic over-thinking And just be with each other. Todd, hit the button.
Elliot: What button?
[The light goes out in the observation room where Elliot is standing]
Elliot: [o.s.] Turk!
Turk: Much better.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: Oh, God, no.
Dr. Kelso: What?
Dr. Cox: You don't really think we're becoming friends, do you?
Dr. Kelso: Good lord, I hope not. You wanna come over for a brewski tomoow and check out my hobby shop?
Dr. Cox: Too fast, Bob.
Dr. Kelso: Yeah, I knew when I said it.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Oh, good. You're done with your quiet time. Look, the nurse said that Mr. Lawton's having a bit of a breakdown about his cancer. I want you to go over there and help him through it.
Denise: You really want me talking to him? If he cries, I'm gonna hit him.
J.D.: Don't mess it up.
Denise: Okay.
J.D.: [v.o.] I knew I couldn't fix Jo, but I could still give her a push, because sometimes that's all people need to deal with their fatal flaw.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: Well, I'm the new Chief.
[Jordan hugs Dr. Cox]
Jordan: Uh, what the hell is happening?
[Dr. Kelso is hugging Dr. Cox as well]
Dr. Kelso: Still too soon?
Dr. Cox: Way too soon, Bob.

Quote from Denise

J.D.: [v.o.] And even if some people can only take a baby step...
Denise: I can't imagine what it's like to have cancer, but I bet it sucks.
Mr. Lawton: It totally sucks. [Denise places her hand on Mr. Lawton's shoulder] You all right?
Denise: Yeah, I'll get through.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Others might finally be able to stop trying so hard and just let the moment happen.
J.D.: Wow. You look amazing.
Elliot: Even in cookie pants?
J.D.: Especially in cookie pants.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Hey, I'm glad I found you. Uh, I need your approval to cut down some lollipop trees outside the Sea-Monkey Hut.
Denise: What are you talking about?
J.D.: These decisions have to go through you because you're the mayor of Crazy Town.
Denise: Okay, I really don't need this right now.
J.D.: Okay, fine, but you're supposed to be working, so would you mind checking the patient in bed six for dementia?
Denise: This is bed six.
Janitor: I know. I think you're crazy. It was a twofer. Pa-pow!
Denise: You're aware I could kick your ass, right?
J.D.: I'm sure I'd get in some slaps.

Quote from Denise

Denise: You're so in touch with your emotions, and I can't really get to mine. It's kinda like I'm the dude and you're the chick.
J.D.: I'm not really getting that simile, Jo, but if it works for you, awesome.
Denise: So now we know what my deal is, how you gonna fix it?
J.D.: I'm not gonna fix anything. I got my own garbage. You're gonna do this on your own. You're a doctor.

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