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Winston's Birthday

‘Winston's Birthday’

Season 2, Episode 24 - Aired May 7, 2013

Jess's dad, Bob (guest star Rob Reiner), visits on the day after Jess and Nick hooked up. Cece is stressed as her wedding day approaches. Meanwhile, Elizabeth has doubts about her relationship with Schmidt, and Winston hopes somebody will remember his birthday.

Quote from Nick

Bob Day: Wait-wait a minute. Hold-hold on, hold on. What are you doing? Lettuce, tomato, lettuce, meat-meat-meat-meat-meat- meat-meat-meat-meat, cheese, lettuce.
Nick: You're a sandwich genius. Is there anything you don't know everything about?
Bob Day: Try me.
Nick: All right, I will try you. I've got a question about Yolanda Winston.
Bob Day: Sure.
Nick: Well, we've only slept together once, but, Bob, I don't know what she wants.
Bob Day: Well, the first thing you got to figure out is what do you want.
Nick: Well, I don't know how you get a podcast, but you should look into it.


Quote from Jess

Cece: Um... All gone?
Jess: Burkas isn't you guys, is it?

Quote from Cece

Jess: Okay, look, um, Cece, I think maybe you should call Shivrang.
Cece: I don't want him to see me like this, Jess! Like, what have you done?!
Jess: What have I done? You're the dummy who fell asleep on your hands!
Jess: I'm so sorry. That shouldn't have come out of my mouth. That was really uncool. I've just had a crazy 24 hours, and... I slept with Nick last night.
Cece: You slept with Nick?
Jess: I don't know. I think it might be the start of something, like, really amazing.
Cece: Mm-hmm, sure.
Jess: I don't want to get my hopes up, but it could be something. Could not be something.
Cece: Makes sense.
Jess: I don't know.
Cece: I have a full beard!

Quote from Cece

Cece: Jess called you?
Shivrang: Yeah, she said you needed me. She also told me to watch out for the girl who looked like Mandy Patinkin.
Cece: We can't get married like this.
Shivrang: Hey, look, if this is our biggest problem, I'll take it. I'll make a call and fix it.

Quote from Nick

Jess: Nick, hands up, back away. What is this? Dad, you're coming with me now.
Bob Day: You want to get rid of me? So you two can do it again?
Jess: What?! You told him?! God, I knew you would blurt it out.
Nick: Shows how much you know; I didn't blurt it out. I told him on purpose.
Jess: Why would you do that?! What is wrong with you?!
Nick: I wanted him to like me. In fact, I want all fathers to like me. I wonder what that's about.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Fantastico.
Jess: Are you checking my pulse?
Nick: You were very still. [both laugh] Well, that was really fun. [both laugh] I don't know what to say here. Um... I got an idea. Stay right here, okay?

Quote from Winston

Nick: This is for Wilson. Yeah, Wilson, here's your grapefruit, pie and eggs, just like you like.
Winston: Is it because it's my birthday?
Nick: It's your birthday? That's why I made it, 'cause it's your birthday.
Winston: I know you're lying, and I'm hurt, but I'm gonna eat this anyway.
Nick: See you later, Wilson.

Quote from Winston

Jess: [on the phone] Hey, Winston.
Winston: What's up? Anything you want to wish me?
Jess: Look, Winston, I need you to pick up Cece's wedding sari and take it to her house.
Winston: You want me to take it to her house?
Jess: Yeah. Just go pick it up.
Winston: Ah, wedding sari, for the celebration of the wedding. Yes, nothing else.
Jess: Yeah, I don't know what you're doing, but just do it, okay? Um, I have to go.
Winston: It's happening!

Quote from Jess

Jess: Hey, guys. All right. Okay, listen! Or don't! But the hell if I'm not gonna teach! I'm gonna bring the words of Mark Twain alive with only the human voice.

Quote from Bob Day

Bob Day: What about you? You got a girl?
Nick: No. No, no, no, no, no.
Bob Day: No, really?
Nick: No, no, no, no. No girls for me. No.
Bob Day: Seriously? A good-looking guy like you? It'd seem like women would just flock to you.
Nick: No, no, it's not like that.
Bob Day: Let's talk about you and girls!
Nick: I don't want to talk about this.
Bob Day: ...and a young guy.
Nick: This isn't something we should talk about, Bob, trust me!

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