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The Hike

‘The Hike’

Season 6, Episode 14 -  Aired January 24, 2017

Jess and Robby go on a romantic hike together. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece host a dinner party for Winston to meet Aly's family.

Quote from Schmidt

Aly: Are you guys ever not together?
Schmidt: Rarely.
Winston: You know what? Hold on one second. I want to talk to you. Guys, can you give us a minute?
Schmidt: Sure, Winston. Cece, let's go hide in the car... in the garage of our home.
Cece: Yeah, okay.


Quote from Winston

Winston: So who cares if you're crazy? I don't care. I'm crazy, too. [scoffs] Watch this. I'm gonna put a carrot behind my ear, like a bunny reporter, and I'm gonna do this dance I've been working on for five years. [grunting rhythmically]
Aly: Don't you do that carrot.
Winston: Little bunny carrot. [imitates chewing] [mumbling goofy noises] [laughs] I see we got two new...
people here. Who are they?
Aly: Yeah, um, Mom, Dad, this is Winston.
Winston: Hey. [chuckles] Uh... I am Winston. And I assure you that all of those incidents were from a very long time ago, kinda. Really?
Aly's mom: It's clear you love our daughter.
Aly's father: In a very passionate, unique way. That's all that matters.

Quote from Aly

Leslie: Whatever! You're so mean! You're being a mean robot!
Aly: No, this is being a mean robot. [robotic voice] "Beep, boop, boop, boop. Leslie, you suck. You can't pull off bangs. You were an accident."
Leslie: Oh, my God! I have a small forehead, and you know that, and you use that against me!
Aly: Just shut up!
Leslie: I hate you!
Aly: I hate you! [Leslie sobs]

Quote from Jess

Jess & Robby: [to the tune of "Ice, Ice Baby"] Hike, hike, baby.
Jess: [imitating bass line]
Robby: Ooh, it's a fork.
Jess: Well, the map says to go left, but that little musket trail seems plumb adorable.
Robby: And it has a waterfall, so I say, uh, waterfall. [both chuckle] I mean, let's just do it. Let's go nuts.
Jess: See, this is why we're so great together. We agree on everything.
Robby: I agree. [chuckles] Hey, Robert Frost, looks like we're gonna take the road... Jess traveled.

Quote from Aly

Aly: I'm sorry about before. I guess I really freaked out on you.
Leslie: And I'm sorry that I told you I was gonna shave your eyebrows off in your sleep.
Aly: You never said that.
Leslie: Oh, maybe I was just thinking that.
Aly: I'm just so embarrassed Winston saw that. I'm pretty sure I scared him off.
Leslie: No, you didn't. He's on the table. [tapping glass]
Aly: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.

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