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Season 3, Episode 15 - Aired February 4, 2014

After an awkward encounter with Caroline, Jess tries to convince Nick you can be friends with your ex. Meanwhile, Schmidt invites Winston and Coach to tour his new apartment.

Quote from Nick

Nick: At least she can't get into the building. Okay, what am I gonna do here? She cut off the power.
Berkley: No, Nick, that was you. You turned off the light. All the other lights are still on.
Nick: My bad. Thank you.


Quote from Coach

Coach: I'll be with you in just one second, all right?
Leslie: Mm-hmm.
Coach: And don't drink the water by the bed. It's got my contacts in it.
Leslie: Okay. [Coach laughs]

Quote from Winston

Schmidt: Oh! Winston! What are you doing?!
Winston: Oh, we were just playing a game. You know, Bad Cop, Black Cop?
Bertie: It's me, Bertie!

Quote from Nick

Berkley: [to Jess] I'm sorry. You don't love me?
Nick: Say it again?
Berkley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Jess: Oh. What?!
be:Then why have you led me on for ten years?
Jess: Oh, hell on Earth no!
Nick: Oh, my God, I was right. He wants to bone you.
Jess: Oh, come on, Nick!
Nick: [pounding on door continues] Caroline, I'll be right there. I'm so sorry, Berkley. You got cut off.
Berkley: Thank you, sir.

Quote from Jess

Nick: Hey, Jess, you okay?
Jess: [voice breaking] No. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. [sobs] I've led a very fortunate life.
Nick: Look, Jess, you were right.
Jess: No, you were right. I feel like such a fool. You were right about everything.
Nick: No, I wasn't. Caroline deserves to know why I left. And you should hear, too.

Quote from Schmidt

Leslie: Is this some little nasty group sex games y'all got going on up in here?
Bertie: Been a couple years, but I'm down.
Coach: I didn't want to know that.
Sarah: I am out of here.
Leslie: I'm way ahead of you.
Coach: No, no, please!
Schmidt: Sarah, please, wait! I can... Ugh. Just...
Bertie: [clears throat] Well, I'm gonna go back to bed. Schmidt, that mattress is heaven. [slaps Winston's ass]

Quote from Nick

Nick: Hey, Caroline, there's something I need to say.
Jess: Nick, you don't have to do this.
Nick: No, I do. Look, I never cheated on you, but I might as well have. See, I fell in love with Jess the moment she walked through the door.
Berkley: Boo!
Nick: Really?
Berkley: Sorry.
Jess: The moment I walked through the door? Really? 'Cause I thought I annoyed you.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Caroline, she's the reason that I left.
Caroline: I always thought that it was Jess. I'm glad I'm not crazy.
Nick: Well...
Jess: Hmm.
Caroline: Thanks for telling me the truth.
Nick: Oh, I'm just sorry it didn't happen sooner.
Caroline: Don't touch me.
Nick: I'm so sorry.
Caroline: I was kidding.
Nick: Now, there's that famous Milwaukee humor.
Caroline: I'm not from Milwaukee.
Nick: You honestly scare me.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Look, Berkley, um, I'm so sorry that you got the wrong idea about us. You were right. I did play some part in it.
Berkley: Thank you. Good luck, Jessica.
Jess: Thanks.
Nick: See you later, bud.
Berkley: I really don't want to go back to my wife. Do you guys want to play cards or something?
Jess: Go. Just go.
Nick: Get out of here.

Quote from Jess

Jess: The moment I walked through that door, huh?
Nick: Just be cool about it.
Jess: 'Cause for me, it was way later.
Nick: Yeah, I know.
Jess: Like, a lot later.
Nick: Oh, come here already.

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