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Mr. Monk Joins a Cult

‘Mr. Monk Joins a Cult’

Season 6, Episode 11 - Aired January 11, 2008

Mr. Monk goes undercover in a cult when its charismatic leader, Ralph Roberts (guest star Howie Mandel), is accused of murdering a former disciple.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Are you ready?
Natalie: What's the big surprise?
Adrian Monk: I'm finally going to do it. I'm gonna take the plunge.
Natalie: Oh my God! You're going to buy a cell phone?
Adrian Monk: No, beeper.
Natalie: A beeper?
Adrian Monk: It's all you need.
Natalie: No, Mr. Monk, nobody uses beeper anymore. They're ancient history.
Adrian Monk: Dr. Kroger has one.
Natalie: Well, except for doctors. Doctors use them because they work anywhere, they are more reliable.
Adrian Monk: Reliable is good. That's what we want. So when you are out with Julie, or you are on a date, I can beep you.
Natalie: Hold on, hold on! The beeper's for me?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, it's only $29 a month, you can afford it.
Natalie: And you want me to pay for it? That's your big surprise.
Adrian Monk: Are you- Are you surprised?
Natalie: You know what's kinda sad? I'm not.


Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Well, there they are. My new family. I might not see you for a while, are you gonna be okay?
Adrian Monk: You're going undercover, and you're worried about me?
Natalie: Yes, I am.
Adrian Monk: You have a point. I'm gonna need food.
Natalie: No, already stocked up. There's plenty of food.
Adrian Monk: Beverages. I need beverages.
Natalie: There's 50 bottles of water under the sink. I asked the captain to check on you every day.
Adrian Monk: Okay, then. I think we're ready.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Ralph Roberts: Hello? May I help you?
Adrian Monk: Uh, sorry. No, I- I was just. I was looking for... I just wanted to be alone.
Ralph Roberts: But you are not alone. Not anymore. We are here to share your burden, Adrian. That is your name, isn't it?
Adrian Monk: Yes.
Ralph Roberts: Have you had a chance to look around?
Adrian Monk: Uh-huh.
Ralph Roberts: And how do you feel being here? Feels right, doesn't it? It feels like home, doesn't it? Something's missing. Something in you. Something that was in you. A light that's been extinguished. What was her name?
Adrian Monk: Trudy. Her name was Trudy.
Ralph Roberts: I can see that you feel lost without her. You came here with questions. I might be able to answer some of those questions. I want you to have it. Read it. The more you read it, the more you know. The more you know The less you don't know.
Adrian Monk: The more you know, the...
Ralph Roberts: The less you don't know.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Ralph Roberts: Adrian, is there something you wanna tell me?
Adrian Monk: Sister Gina has a radio.
Ralph Roberts: No, about yourself. [Monk is silent] I am not an idiot. I read the papers. I know the name Adrian Monk. The police sent you, didn't they? I'm sorry about what happened to Amanda Clark. I was angry when she left. And hurt, I don't deny that. I might have said some intemperate things, but I did not kill that girl. I did not have her killed. Go back to your Captain Stottlemeyer, and you tell him he's making a mistake. You tell him to look some place else.
Adrian Monk: I can't- I can't- I- I can't leave. I can't leave. Father, please. It's true. When I came here, I was working on the case. But that isn't me. Not anymore. I can see that now. I belong here with all of you. I love it here. I love... not thinking. Cause I'm so tired of thinking. Please. Just, please.
Ralph Roberts: Okay. You can stay. It's okay. You don't have to think.
Adrian Monk: Thank you. I'm so thankful.
Ralph Roberts: I'm gonna make you prove that.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Hey, Monk, how's it going'?
Adrian Monk: Hello, Randy.
Lieutenant Disher: Listen, I just have a couple of things to say about this so-called father of yours. I think the guy's a joke. I mean, have you read this?
Adrian Monk: Have you?
Lieutenant Disher: [sings] [o.s.] Father please correct me.
Natalie: God, he's singing again.
Captain Stottlemeyer: That's not Monk.

Quote from Dr. Kroger

Adrian Monk: I'm not afraid of you.
Dr. Kroger: Good. No reason to be. Can I sit down? The Siblings of the Sun. You know, I had some dealings with them. About three years ago, they tried to recruit Harold Krenshaw, but Harold was too smart for them.
Adrian Monk: Nice try, doc. I know all your tricks. Psychiatry was invented by the devil.
Dr. Kroger: Really? Huh, see, I- I didn't know that.
Adrian Monk: That is not just my opinion. That's a fact.
Dr. Kroger: A fact? Like- Like all the facts in this book. Like, oh, "Money begets envy. Envy is the root of all evil." You believe that?
Adrian Monk: If it's in the book.
Dr. Kroger: Cause the father doesn't believe it. He's worth 20 million bucks.
Adrian Monk: He lives in a cabin.
Dr. Kroger: He has seven other houses. Adrian, they did an, expose on him last year. See, now, this here is a little shack in the Cayman Islands. He owns parking lots, karate schools, a cable news channel. Looks like your messiah's been a pretty busy guy. He's using you, Adrian. That's what he does. That's all he does.
Adrian Monk: I love him. He's taught me what love really means.
Dr. Kroger: That's funny. That's what you used to say about Trudy. I wonder what she would say if she were here.
Adrian Monk: She's not here. Father's here.
Dr. Kroger: Well, then I guess we can just throw this out, right? [scrunches up photo of Trudy]
Adrian Monk: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. [straightens out picture] Trudy.
Dr. Kroger: Welcome back. [beeper rings]
Adrian Monk: Your beeper.
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, sorry. Doctors have to carry them. [Monk stands up] You're all right?
Adrian Monk: I think I just solved the case.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Captain Stottlemeyer: Mr. Donovan, thank you for coming. This is Natalie Teeger, and Adrian Monk. Mr. Monk has been hired by the Clark family to look into the case, if you wouldn't mind.
Tom Donovan: Okay, I feel like a broken record. It was about 1:00 a.m. I was coming back home from Sacramento.
Lieutenant Disher: Tom and his wife own a restaurant supply company in Rockaway. He travels a lot.
Tom Donovan: That's right. I pulled in here to use facilities.
Lieutenant Disher: It was a long drive. He was drinking lots of coffee, and the facilities-
Captain Stottlemeyer: Randy. Mr. Donovan came all this way. He's doing us a favor. I think we ought to let him tell the story.
Lieutenant Disher: I was just filling in the gaps. Go on.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Tom Donovan: I got a good look a them in my headlights. There were five or six of them. One was clearly the leader.
Lieutenant Disher: They call him "the Father." Go on.
Tom Donovan: They were holding her down on that- That picnic table over there. They were stabbing her. She was screaming.
Lieutenant Disher: They carved a symbol of the sun into her chest. I mean, it was like their logo.
Tom Donovan: When they saw me, they ran to their van and drove away. Big silver van.
Lieutenant Disher: Which is what they always drive. Go on.
Tom Donovan: She was still breathing. I put her in my car. Drove her to the hospital. At least I tried to. She died before we got there.
Adrian Monk: Did she say anything before she died?
Lieutenant Disher: Unfortunately, no.
Tom Donovan: Yes.
Lieutenant Disher: Yes.
Tom Donovan: She whispered something. She said, "He found me. Father found me."

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Adrian Monk: What do we know about this "father"?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, his real name is Ralph Roberts, he used to sell used cars. Can you believe it? Before he went into the son of God business. Nice work if you can get it.
Natalie: God, just the name creeps me out. Siblings of the Sun.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah.
Natalie: Well, we've been talking to Amanda Clark's parents, and their daughter left the cult about a year ago.
Captain Stottlemeyer: "Escaped" is more like it. Apparently father got pissed off. He doesn't like it when people start thinking for themselves.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Wow, you have your own farm.
Brother Ted: Oh, yes. We're completely self-sufficient.
Adrian Monk: Are- Are these beets?
Brother Ted: I'm not sure. I think they are.
Adrian Monk: Beets.
Natalie: You don't- You don't like beets.
Adrian Monk: I love beets.
Natalie: Since when?
Adrian Monk: Since this morning. I had them for breakfast. You weren't there. She wasn't there. I was just feeling sad and disconnected. Just me. Me and my beets.

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