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Written In The Stars

‘Written In The Stars’

Season 9, Episode 14 - Aired February 28, 2018

Phil and Claire urge Jay to step things up on Valentine's Day by taking inspiration from Clive and Juliana. Haley questions whether she's special enough to date Arvin. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron's catty talk leads to trouble for Luke and his date.

Quote from Alex

Manny: Who's the lucky guy?
Haley: Oh, this professor from Alex's college. Normally, I wouldn't go out with a guy like that, but there's something about him.
Alex: "Something about him"? He's a genius. He's one of the most respected minds on campus, who also happens to look like the protagonist from a Jane Austen novel. He's totally out of your league.


Quote from Cameron

Cameron: You know what? Tonight was supposed to be a romantic night. I-I don't want to watch him make his sweaty moves on his conquest of the week.
Mitchell: And some of them buy it. Under what gas leak is he finding these brain-dead bimbos? And have you heard how mean he's gotten? The other day, he called us "catty."
Cameron: He called us catty?
Mitchell: Yeah.
Cameron: You sure he wasn't talking about the dead cat on his head he calls a haircut?

Quote from Jay

Gloria: I am Gigi DeLaroca, businesswoman.
Jay: I am Raoul Matadore. I own this hotel. May I?
Gloria: Of course, Mr. Matadore.
Jay: Like Andy Garcia in "Ocean's Eleven."
Gloria: [hushed] I don't think you have to explain.

Quote from Gloria

Jay: Tell me about you. What business are you in?
Gloria: Bueno. Well, let's just say, I'm just a lady that works in the evening. But I am not available to any man. So charm me, Mr. Matadore.
Jay: This hotel has the finest closets in all the land. We have lighted rods and soft-close doors.
Gloria: I was once married to a man that endlessly talked about closet. You're boring me very much.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: Oh, my goodness. The waitress, she left a menu here. Now, I'm wondering if we should have got- [hushed] Oh, my God! Where's his date? Do you think he got stood up?
Cameron: Let me see that.
Mitchell: [normal voice] Right here.
Cameron: [hushed] It's so embarrassing. What do we even say?
Luke: They're not soundproof menus.

Quote from Phil

Jay: [on the phone] I can't believe I let you talk me into doing this crap. I need help!
Phil: It's okay. Underneath it all, it's just you and your wife.
Jay: That's the problem. I don't know how I got her to begin with. And I'm starting to feel if I can't pull this off, she's gonna figure out she got duped the first time.
Phil: Let me start by saying "thank you" for being so vulnerable with me.
Jay: I hate you.
Phil: Also, I'm no expert at this, but I have a friend here who is. [as Clive] Clive Bixby here. How can I make your night sexier?
Jay: If I can't role-play with her, I'm not doin' it with you.
Phil: Whatevs, Daddio. I'm gonna give the phone back to Philip.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [on the phone] Phil here. Listen. It's all about commitment and confidence. What's- What's your character?
Jay: Raoul Matadore, hotel owner, like Andy Garcia-
Phil: In "Ocean's Eleven" I love this for you! Did you go with the timepiece?
Jay: Yeah, I thought at some moment, I'd pull it out, smash it on the bar, and say, "I want to remember the exact moment I fell in love." I'm an idiot!
Phil: No. That silence is me picking my jaw up off the floor. We're all walking, and you're flying, mister.
Jay: Seriously? You think so?
Phil: 1,000%! But don't take it from me. [as Clive] Clive again. Mr. Matadore, I tip my turtleneck to ya.

Quote from Haley

Arvin: There is a theory that suggests the universe is so large that everything that can happen is happening all the time.
Haley: Do you smoke weed?
Arvin: Oh. [laughs] No. Sor- Sorry, I'm a little obsessed with space. I-I built my first Dobsonian telescope when I was 10.
Haley: You made a telescope? The only thing I've ever made was an ashtray for my mom that says, "Rub your butt here."
Arvin: [laughs] Oh, like cigarette butt.
Haley: Yeah.

Quote from Haley

Haley: NASA's giving you an award?
Arvin: I need a date. There's no pressure. But it saved the lives of a bunch of astronauts.
Haley: Wow, you've done a lot.
Arvin: Well, I'm sure you've had your share of accomplishments.
Haley: Oh, yeah! Yeah, of course. [stammers] Let's see. There was, um... College.
Arvin: Uh-huh.
Haley: Nope. Nope. That is a- That is a bad road. Well, uh, uh, okay, so professionally, I've been kind of sort of dabbling in, like, a lot of different... Pass. Um I-I-I-I once flew next to the bass player of The Killers. Uh, you know, it just kind of looked like him. Is there a bathroom? Here, I'm just gonna find it myself. No big deal. I'm fine. I'm- I'm great.

Quote from Alex

Alex: So, are you seeing anybody new?
Manny: No, I didn't even make my mom a Valentine's card this year.
Alex: It's alarming that I asked about dating, and you went right to your mother.

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