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Torn Between Two Lovers

‘Torn Between Two Lovers’

Season 10, Episode 4 - Aired October 17, 2018

Haley must finally make a decision between her relationship with Arvin or starting things up with Dylan again. Jay and Gloria are getting fed up with Manny's boyfriend, Sherry, who is staying at their house as she tries to break into improv. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron regret taking Lily and Cal along when they visit Mitchell's colleague.

Quote from Dylan

Phil: Dylan?
Dylan: Oh, Mr. D. You jog here, too?
Phil: I'm a half a block from my house. Are you wearing boots?
Dylan: Okay, this is less of a coincidence than it seems. I've been following you around for a few days. It's about Haley. I know she's in a relationship, but I love her, and I think she loves me.
Phil: Dylan, I heard about what happened. I wouldn't read too much into it. It was only one kiss.
Dylan: Uh...
Phil: Oh, no. Two kisses?
Dylan: Okay.


Quote from Haley

Haley: [aside to camera] I went to Dylan's house to tell him it wasn't okay that we kissed, and I ended up sleeping with him. I would go back to his house to tell him it wasn't okay we slept together, but where does that go? [chuckles]

Quote from Jay

Manny: Okay, for this next scene, Sherry will play a famous person.
Gloria: Lou Diamond Phillips!
Manny: Excellent. And, Jay, I need an occupation.
Jay: I agree.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Okay. His shoes are fine. They have kids. They know they ruin everything. [off Lily's look] Except your life.
Cameron: Yeah.
Lily: Nice save.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: [to Cal] Uh, you can watch your truck videos.
Mitchell: Hey, don't take your eyes off of him.
Lily: So, just to be clear, I don't get any childhood?
Mitchell: Oh, please. Last week, we taught you how to make flan.

Quote from Dylan

Phil: Get away from that door!
Dylan: Oh, hey, Mr. Dunphy. Ugh! Ow! You broke my heart.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Harpo, what are you doing?
Sherry: Studying you, creating a character. Imagine I'm not here.
Jay: I'm not that creative. Maybe you could help me.
Sherry: [laughing] Oh! So gruff. Love it.
Jay: I'm leaving.
Sherry: I'm leaving.
Jay: Good. You go.

Quote from Joe

Gloria: [gasps] Look at you, mis dos amigos!
Sherry: [Hispanic accent] Look at... Look at you, mis dos amigos!
Gloria: [chuckles] That does sound like me. You're so talented.
[aside to camera:]
Jay: Okay, that was strange. Gloria hates when people imitate her.

Quote from Jay

Sherry: Manny, come rub my ankles, papi!
Gloria: [chuckles] Good, good. But how is your funny old man character coming?
Sherry: [GRUFF VOICE] Ugh. Somebody get me a scotch that's as stiff as my back.
Gloria: [laughs] Do that again! That's the money!
Jay: How did you know she was doing that?
Sherry: [normal voice] She is so supportive. It was her idea.
[aside to camera:]
Jay: And there it was. Gloria didn't want that weirdo here any more than I did. She just wanted me to be the bad guy. But the joke's on her, because, for short bursts of time, I can be quite nice.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Your house is so beautiful, with such nice things.
Cameron: Well, they don't have to spend their money on orthodontia, ballet lessons, and college funds.
Kieran: Yeah. The grass is greener.
Mitchell: Your grass is greener. We can't seem to get Cal to pee indoors.

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