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Message Received

‘Message Received’

Season 5, Episode 22 - Aired May 7, 2014

As their wedding day approaches and the expenses pile up, Mitchell and Cameron try to raise some extra money. After Phil and Claire uncover his old answering machine, the kids play a prank on their parents. Meanwhile, Jay, Manny and Gloria try to step outside their comfort zones and try something new.

Quote from Claire

Claire: Give me a break, Phil!
Phil: What do you want from me?!
Haley: Shh!
Alex: I didn't say anything.
Claire: A little compassion when you thought I was pregnant would have been nice!
Phil: I'm sorry. It was a knee-jerk reaction.
Claire: You got that half right!
Phil: Well, you're not pregnant, anyway, so who cares?! And what did I say that was so terrible?!
Claire: Well, I believe your exact words were, "Ggreat, another kid that we can screw up."
Phil: Oh, well, I'm sorry, but we both know it's true.
Claire: Wait, are you saying that we never should have had them in the first place?
Phil: Like you never said that!


Quote from Haley

Alex: This is awful. Is this what you thought was gonna happen?
Haley: I can't think that far ahead. I never do. You know that. You should've stopped me!

Quote from Claire

Claire: Please, Phil! If you hadn't gotten me pregnant, I never would have married you! I would have married Bobby Nash!
Phil: You would?!
Claire: Oh, yeah! And right now, I would be on my 100-acre ranch in Aspen with my strapping...
Phil: You really wish you'd married Bobby?
Claire: Oh, every single day! [Phil walks off] No, Phil.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: Quick! We need a blow dryer!
Jay: Is this some sort of gay emergency?
Mitchell: No, Dad, it's not a gay emergency! It's my comic book.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Whatever. I'm just saying keep it small. Why pay all that money for people you barely know?
Mitchell: Oh, oh, you mean like any of your friends?
Jay: Oh, please, you don't want any of my friends there.
Mitchell: Really? Because I've- I've been asking for a list for months now.
Mitchell: So, so who doesn't want them there, me or you?
Jay: Why are you getting upset?
Mitchell: Because, Dad, if- If this was Claire's wedding, you would be all over it. You'd be wanting to have it at your club. You'd be inviting all your friends.
Jay: Oh, please! I wasn't that thrilled when Claire got married, either.
Gloria: "Either"? For God's sake, just stop talking.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Everybody back off. I don't think I'm out of line suggesting my friends don't want to see a father-son dance at a big gay wedding.
Mitchell: There is no father-son dance, dad.
Jay: I don't know what things go on there. Do I walk you down the aisle? Does someone throw a bouquet? I mean, I'm just saying, I don't know how this stuff plays out with my guys from the club.
Mitchell: Oh, you mean the guys who sit around the locker room watching football naked? No! No! See, this- This isn't about them. This is about you. You are the one that's uncomfortable here.
Jay: Fine. I admit it. This whole wedding thing is weird to me.
Mitchell: Wow.
Jay: Now, see, why do you get to be you, but I don't get to be me? See, I didn't choose to be uncomfortable. I was born this way.
Mitchell: Are you really throwing a gay anthem in our face right now?
Jay: Oh, damn it. Give me some credit. You know how far I've come. I mean, what more do you want from me? You know what, dad?
Mitchell: Y-you do. You do get to be you. If- If it really makes you that uncomfortable, then don't come to the wedding.

Quote from Claire

Claire: Phil, honey, what happened down there?
Phil: You attacked me.
Claire: In a fun way. We were both doing it.
Phil: I heard you this morning, talking about your super-cute boyfriend Bobby, saying that I was the "comfortable" choice, that you only married me because your dad hated it.
Claire: No, sweetheart. I was not talking about you. I was explaining to the girls about an outfit that I was wearing in a picture that was the comfortable choice that my dad hated. Oh, honey. You can't possibly think that's why I married you.

Quote from Claire

Phil: Sometimes I do wonder, you know, if you hadn't gotten pregnant...
Claire: Would we even be here right now?
Phil: Yeah.
Claire: Well, I wonder the same thing, too.
Phil: You do?
Claire: Yes. All the time. Just last week, you and the kids were outside washing the car, and you got in that soap battle and everybody was running around laughing. And I stood there at the kitchen window, and I was thinking how lucky I am. 'Cause I would have missed all of this if I hadn't married you.
Phil: I knew you were watching. That's why I dropped the sponge.
Claire: That's what got my attention in the first place.

Quote from Claire

Claire: I liked how happy you were when you thought I was pregnant.
Phil: Of course I was.
Claire: Do you think you could pick that up for me?
Phil: I don't know. It's so far down here. [Phil bends over]
Claire: Schwing!

Quote from Alex

Haley: See? I told you they were gonna be fine. [lock clicks]
Alex: Door lock!
Luke: Run!
Haley: Go! Go! Go! Go!
Alex: Ew, ew, ew.

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