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Knock 'Em Down

‘Knock 'Em Down’

Season 6, Episode 20 - Aired April 22, 2015

Jay agrees to be a substitute on Cameron's bowling team, unaware it's an all gay league. Phil and Claire bond with their neighbors Ronnie and Amber over a shared distaste for a neighbor's phallic statue. Meanwhile, Gloria and Mitch try to hold onto their youth when they join Haley on a night out.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Well, listen, I wasn't feeling great about myself tonight and you helped get me out of that funk. And it wouldn't be right for me to let you leave feeling bad.
Martin: Oh.
Jay: You're a great guy and the reason I turned you down is because... [chuckles] It's much harder to say out loud than I thought. I'm- I'm not gay.
Martin: You're straight?
Cameron: Who's what? What's happening?
Jay: Whoa, it feels good to finally tell someone. For four hours, I've been living in fear that I'd be found out. Do you have any idea what that feels like? Right.


Quote from Jay

Martin: Hello, Cameron. I thought I smelled failure and cheap hair spray.
Cameron: Oh, hello, Martin. You're looking unwell.
Martin: Could you do that thing you did last year where you lose and then you try and throw a chair but not realize it's bolted down and wrench your back and then curse at me while I wave a trophy in your big red face? Could you?
Cameron: [laughs] Boy, look at you. You're all worked up. It must have been a tough day assistant managing that Jo-Ann Fabrics.
Martin: It's a Michaels and you know it, you son of a bitch!
Jay: [to Cameron] Fine. I'll do it. I don't like that guy. But what happens if somebody I know comes in here and thinks I'm living a secret life?
Cameron: Jay, trust me, if someone you know comes in here tonight, they're living a secret life.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Hey, Dad.
Jay: What do you think of the picture on my new Costco card?
Mitchell: You've never put your actual face that close to mine.
Gloria: Jay thinks that-
Jay: Uh, bup, bup, bup, bup. Let him answer.
Mitchell: Uh... Okay, you look good.
Jay: This looks nothing like me!
Mitchell: Maybe 'cause you're not yelling in it.

Quote from Gloria

Jay: I have half a mind to cut this up and never go back there.
Gloria: Maybe you can use one of the scissors from the eight-pack that we bought.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Tonight, we are going out big. [humming]
Cameron: Oh, yeah! Yes, you're very hip. That's the theme song to the Antiques Roadshow.
Mitchell: He's right. That's embarrassing.

Quote from Alex

Claire: We've got to do something about this. It's obscene.
Alex: That's what they said about The Catcher in the Rye when it first came out.
Claire: You're not helping.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Oh, don't you just love it the crash of the pins the smell of the rental shoe spray?
Jay: Yeah, it does kind of get the blood going.
Cameron: Oh, one small detail. This is an all-gay bowling league, so I told everyone you're all gay.

Quote from Haley

Mitchell: All right. Let's get crazy. I'll uncover the cheese.
Haley: So we'll meet my friends outside the club at, like, 10:30.
Mitchell: 10:30?
Haley: Yeah, the band doesn't go on until midnight.
Gloria: Midnight?
Haley: Okay, if you guys can't hear me now we're gonna have some real problems at the club.

Quote from Cameron

Martin: Who's your new guy?
Cameron: He's my husband's uncle. Oh, you look confused. A husband is somebody who loves you that you don't have to pay.

Quote from Cameron

Martin: Oh, come on, Cam. Admit it. Uncle Jay not gay.
Cameron: Oh, my God. You could not be more wrong. Look, okay. If he's acting a little weird, it's just because... he totally likes you.
Martin: No, he doesn't. [chuckling] What did he say?
Cameron: Okay, look, h-h-he didn't want me to say anything because he's shy. That's why he's being so awkward.

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