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Season 2, Episode 23 - Aired May 6, 2001

Malcolm and Reese pretend to be going to a sleepover at Stevie's house so they can sneak out to the county fair.

Quote from Hal

Lois: And Stevie's mom is okay with this?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Lois: Maybe so, but she has no idea what she's getting into with the three of you over there. I should give her a call...
Hal: Uh, honey, Kitty can speak up for herself. I mean, she's made a decision. I don't think we should be second-guessing her.
Lois: What?!
Hal: Though with Dewey gone, too, we'll have to try to think of something to do... on our own... alone.
Lois: Okay, boys, have fun.
Hal: Bye, now.


Quote from Francis

Francis: [on the phone] Hello, it's Francis. Mom, Dad, pick up. I'm in the emergency room and the doctors think they can save my leg, but they-
Lois: [answers phone] Francis, are you okay?
Francis: Ha! Screening your own child. Fine parents you are.
Lois: Honey, what's wrong?
Francis: The fact that I have to resort to lies to get you to talk to me. That's what's wrong.
Lois: What do you want, Francis?
Francis: I don't know. It's Saturday night. I thought I'd call and say hi.
Lois: Can we call you back later? Your dad and I are kind of busy right now.
Francis: All right, let me talk to my brothers.
Lois: They're not here.
Francis: Then what are you...? Ew! Ugh!
[A disgusted Francis gets up and leaves the phone off the hook]

Quote from Abe

Kitty: Are you sure we should be doing this? Stevie might get mad at us just dropping in on him.
Abe: We're not doing anything wrong. We're his parents, and we happen to be in the neighborhood. [knocks on door]
Kitty: You just want to kiss him good night.
Abe: So what if I do? I've kissed that boy good night every night since he was born. It makes him sleep better and it makes me sleep better. [sighs] What is taking so long?
Kitty: You know those boys they're probably watching ninja movies and eating full-fat crackers.

Quote from Hal

Hal: Oh. Kitty, Abe... uh, what are you doing here?
Abe: Hello, Hal.
Kitty: Is everything okay? We heard a crash.
Hal: Oh, yeah. Sure. We're just, um... moving furniture. So, what brings you by?
Abe: We just came by to see Stevie.
Hal: Stevie?! [stands in doorway with cushions covering his front and back bits] Stevie isn't here. I thought he was with you.
Kitty: What- What are you talking about? Where's my baby?
Lois: Abe, Kitty, what- what are you doing here?
Kitty: We came to see Stevie. He's not here on a sleepover with your boys?
Hal: No! They told us they were spending the night at your house for a sleepover. Oh...
Lois: Hal, get my bra!

Quote from Abe

Kitty: [shouts out the car window] Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie!
Lois: Kitty, you have to leave a little room between your "Stevies" or you won't be able to hear him yell back.
Kitty: I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous. I don't have as much experience with my child being in mortal danger.
Lois: Okay, just calm down. You have to focus on something positive... like how we're going to punish them.
Kitty: How can I focus on anything when Stevie's out there, lost and scared?
Lois: I understand what you're feeling, Kitty. I'm concerned, too. We're all concerned.
Hal: Abe, this van is a palace. What does a rig like this set you back?
Abe: Eh, not as much as you'd think. When I sprang for the DVD player and flat-screen monitor, they threw in the GPS system for free, so it's really a... [Kitty looks at him]
Kitty: Stevie! Stevie! Stevie!

Quote from Reese

Reese: This place is like a cemetery with a Ferris wheel.
Dewey: Are we in trouble?
Malcolm: No. The last bus leaves in 20 minutes. We just have to get outside and wait for it.
Stevie: Hey. Let's ask... for help.
Reese: No, we'll get in trouble. Let's climb the fence and get out of here.
Malcolm: The fences are, like, 12 feet high. What about Stevie?
Reese: We do it in stages. We drag his chair to the top, toss it over, and then do the same with Stevie.
Stevie: Hello?!

Quote from Hal

Hal: Oh, my God. Side window defrosters. I've never seen that before.

Quote from Hal

Lois: [on the phone] Francis, it's Mom. We need to talk.
Francis: You know, with the images I have in my brain, I think the best thing for me right now is a little distance and about 15 hours of public television.
Lois: Francis, would you quit clowning around? The boys are missing.
Francis: What are you talking about?
Hal: We were hoping you can give us some ideas of where to look for them. Over.
Lois: Hal. If you could give us some leads, it might really speed things up. [Francis is silent]
Hal: See, he doesn't know you've stopped talking.

Quote from Reese

Reese: Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. Puppies, ice cream, fat people falling down.

Quote from Stevie

Malcolm: I think we lost him.
Stevie: Where's... Dewey?
Malcolm: Oh, my God. Where is he?
Reese: Look, I say we get out of here. We can cover for Dewey. He's quiet. Mom and Dad will never know he's gone.
Stevie: You don't leave... a fallen... comrade.
Reese: Shut up. We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't called for help.
Stevie: Keep... pushing me... dumb-ass.

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