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The Possimpible

‘The Possimpible’

Season 4, Episode 14 - Aired February 2, 2009

When Robin is threatened with deportation unless she finds another job in seven days, Barney helps her create a video resume. Meanwhile, Marshall, Lily and Ted bicker about the irrelevant things on their resumes.

Quote from Marshall

Barney: That baby got me 11 job offers.
Ted: No. No way.
Lily: Barney, that was ridiculous and insane.
Marshall: Insanulous.


Quote from Barney

Robin: I'm about to be deported. I'll try anything.
Barney: Okay, we better get started. There's a lot to shoot, and I don't think I can use any of the footage I already have of you.
Robin: What footage do you already have of me?
Barney: Let's just get started.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: Oh, sweetie. Are you still upset about the dancer's hip jokes?
Marshall: No.
Lily: We were just kidding. We all know it's a basketball injury.
Marshall: Yeah, no. Totally. Lily, I have something I need to tell you.
Lily: What is it?
Marshall: I dance more than you know.
Lily: What?
Marshall: I dance... more than you know.
Lily: I don't know how to respond to that.

Quote from Barney

Robin: These costumes are ridiculous. Plus, the Amazon Warrior Princess armor gave me a rash.
Barney: Cards on the table... you weren't the first lady to wear that in here. But it conveyed power. And so will this. What I need you to do now... is break these 15 bricks with your forehead.
Robin: What?! But you didn't do a damn thing in your video. You just stood near a horse and sat on a motorcycle.
Barney: That's because I'm a man. You're a woman. The assumption is that you can't do anything. But you have to prove society wrong.
Robin: I can't break 15 bricks with my forehead.
Barney: Robin, it's not 1950 anymore. Yes, you can.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Hey, Marshall, I got you a light beer. I know how you dancers are always counting calories.
Marshall: It's not funny, all right? The doctor says if it gets any worse, I might need surgery.
Ted: Vaginal rejuvenation surgery?
Marshall: You know who didn't do a lot of operating on vaginas in college? Dr. X.
Ted: He did just fine!

Quote from Lily

Lily: You know what? Both of you geniuses need to take that weak-ass crap off your resumes. I mean, you are not Dr. X anymore, and you cannot dunk anymore. Let it go.
Ted: So Marshall and I are the only people at this table with "weak-ass crap" on their resumes?
Lily: What are you implying?
Marshall: Oh. Oh. Oh, wow. I don't know! Does the date July 4, 1995 mean anything to you?
Lily: You son of a bitch.
[flashback to Lily at the Carney Island Eatfest '95:]
Announcer: Time! And the new champion, with 29 hot dogs, Lily "The Belly" Aldrin.
Ted: How is that relevant to teaching kindergarten?
Lily: It teaches kids that... I can eat a lot of hot dogs very quickly.

Quote from Barney

Barney: What happened?
Ted: Robin has to move back to Canada.
Barney: Oh, my God. How awful. I mean, for one thing it's gonna be a really long commute.
Robin: What do you mean?
Barney: I finished your video resume on my own. Messengered it to every station in the city. A guy from Channel Eight called. He loved you. He wanted you to come in and audition.
Robin: Oh, my God.
Barney: I told him no. Robin Scherbatsky doesn't audition. He gives you the job or nothing.
Robin: So I got the job?!
Barney: No, he cursed me out and hung up. But then Channel 12 called. They also loved you. They offered you a job hosting their new morning talk show.
Robin: Barney, that's amazing!
Barney: I told them to shove it.
Robin: Dude!
Barney: Which only made them want you more. So, they jacked up their offer by ten percent. Congratulations, Miss Scherbatsky. It looks like you're gonna have to stay.

Quote from Barney

Robin: How did you pull this off?
Barney: I am the master of the possimpible.
Robin: You really are. Thank you. [Robin hugs Barney]

Quote from Ted

[flashback to Ted in college in 1998 at midnight on a Monday:]
Ted: Why is no one coming to my happenings?

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