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Ring Up

‘Ring Up’

Season 8, Episode 14 -  Aired January 21, 2013

Barney pushes Ted to see a twenty-year-old who's interested in "older men". Meanwhile, Robin wonders why men are suddenly treating her differently.

Quote from Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] That night, the only person in worse shape than Robin was her fiancé.
Barney: [on the phone] Ted, I'm desperate. Earlier today, I saw that wrist cuff and I got a partial for Marshall. Did you bang that girl yet?
Ted: Don't get your hopes, or anything else, up. I tried to connect with her, but everything just comes back to her weird fetish about how old I am.
Barney: Well, j-just go simple... does she like TV?
[cutting between Barney on the phone and flashbacks to Carly:]
Carly: No. But I'll watch 60 Minutes with you as loud and as long as you want.
Barney: Sports?
Carly: No. But I bet you look super hot playing shuffleboard, just slathered in bengay.
Barney: Well, does she like books?
Carly: No. But I bet you do. Mm-hmm. I bet you have a big, thick pair of bifocals.


Quote from Barney

Ted: [on the phone] She doesn't have daddy issues, she has granddaddy issues. I'm ending it.
Barney: Ted, I beg of you, don't quit on a body that won't quit. Ooh, ooh, that'll go sweet on a bumper sticker. That's going in the journal.
Ted: Wait, did you steal my dream journal?
Barney: No! Now, get back in there before all your teeth fall out and you're naked in front of Shaker Heights High School in a play you never rehearsed for.
Ted: Bastard!

Quote from Ted

Ted: Look, Carly, I got to tell you something. I just, I don't see a future here.
Carly: Oh, my God. Are you dying? Oh, that is so hot. [phone rings]
Ted: Hey, is that R2-D2? Do you like Star Wars?
Carly: I love Star Wars.
Ted: Me, too!
Carly: I mean, I've only seen the new ones.
Ted: Close enough.

Quote from Ted

Barney: I knew it! I could feel it. It's almost like we were hooking up with her together. You felt that, right?
Ted: I couldn't have performed if I did.
Barney: Don't you see, Ted? We had a bro-nnection.

Quote from Barney

Carly: Hey, Barn. Ted?
Ted: Barney, what is your sister doing here?
Barney: Nothing, bro. Or should I say, bro-in-law! [claps]
[A crew of staff quickly set up Barney's apartment for a wedding]
Barney: Congratulations! You're marrying my sister! And you spared no expense, you big crazy!

Quote from Robin

Robin: You know what? I love Barney, but this ring thing sucks. Some gross guy just brushed up against my rack and then apologized. And I think he really, really meant it.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: Oh, sweetie, I know it's nice to be groped by strangers, but nothing beats the rush you get when that one special person looks at you.
Marshall: It's true. Like here in this bar, there's only one thing that I see, and I see her brighter and more clearly than anything else in this world. You know what that is? That's love. And possibly alcohol mixed with some very powerful antibiotics.

Quote from Barney

Barney: [clears throat] I'd like to start the service with a passage from Ted's dream journal. "Drowning. Gasping for air. No escape."
Carly: Wait, is that about Vietnam?
Barney: It's about Whole Foods.
Ted: Barney. We are not getting married. And those aisles are too narrow!

Quote from Robin

Future Ted: [v.o.] That night, even though she still couldn't get a beer, Robin realized the true power of the ring.
Marshall: Hey, Robin. Did you ever figure out how you're gonna get a drink at the bar now that you're engaged?
Robin: Oh, sure. I know a way that's gonna last forever. Scotch on the rocks?
Barney: Coming right up.

Quote from Robin

Robin: Okay, normally New York is the friendliest, most affordable city in the world. Now it's as rude and expensive as San Francisco.

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