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Season 7, Episode 18 - Aired February 27, 2012

Barney tries to strike up a relationship with Quinn at the strip slub. Meanwhile, Robin moves in with Marshall and Lily in the suburbs, and Ted tries to figure out what to do with her old room.

Quote from Barney

Ted: Quinn is totally playing you.
Barney: What? That's ridiculous. If she were playing me, why would she agree to go on a date with me?
[flashback to the strip club, where Quinn is wearing Barney's rolex:]
Quinn: You're different than the rest of these schlubs. This one time only, I'm going to break my rule. Let's go out tomorrow night.
Barney: Sweet!
Quinn: Oh, shoot! I have to work tomorrow.
Barney: Ugh!
Quinn: Hey! Brainstorm! What if we just have our date here?
Barney: It's a date.
Ted: It's not a date, if you go into a strip club and paying for lap dances.
Barney: If it's not a date, why'd she say, every fifth dance was free?
Ted: Because that's the Lusty Leopard's policy on Friday nights, and I'm so mad at you that I know that!


Quote from Lily

Robin: "Dear Diary. It is day six on this island, and I begin to fear I am more captive than guest..." [screams]
[Robin wakes up to find Lily standing over her bed with a mallet]
Lily: Morning, sweetie. Up for croquet?

Quote from Barney

Quinn: Hey, sexy! You want a dance?
Barney: Yeah! Uh, one thing, though. Um, you'd be okay with us having a date somewhere besides here, wouldn't you?
Quinn: I was hoping you would ask that.
[cut to one of the private rooms:]
Quinn: I'm sorry it's so expensive in here, but it's nice and private, huh?
Barney: Absolutely. And romantic! It's our first getaway as a couple!

Quote from Barney

Quinn: Hey, gorgeous, You want a dance?
Barney: Is it a jig? 'Cause if so, it's up. Sorry, I only had the last verse of "Hot For Teacher" to work on that.

Quote from Barney

Barney: What was that? You laid exactly the same line on that guy that you did on me!
Quinn: Sweetie, that is just something I say to these gullible losers here. They fall for it every time.
Barney: [chuckling] Bunch of losers!
Quinn: Oh, gosh, manager again. He's looking at me like, "Karma, why aren't you booking more time in the Champagne Room?"
Barney: Well, we'll show him. No! You're playing me again! And you're not even trying hard! There's no manager there. You're pointing at a fern!

Quote from Barney

Barney: Did I deserve this? Absolutely. I have told some outrageous lies. I have told women I was famous, a war hero, that sex with me would cure their nearsightedness.
Woman with glasses: Barney?!
Barney: I probably deserved everything you did to me and more. But I have been trying, and trying hard to be a better person. Thanks for showing me I had it right before.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: Look, I'm sorry we made you feel a little suffocated, but were you really just gonna sneak away?
Robin: Well, it's just... I really miss the city. I know you guys love it here, and that's fine,
Lily: We don't love it here!
Robin: What?
Marshall: Come on, Robin, what kind of life is this? Going to canasta tournaments and high school field hockey playoffs?
Lily: Oh, I think North Bellmore can take state.
Marshall: With Sophie's ankle? Doubtful.

Quote from Robin

Robin: Okay, but if you two are so unhappy, why don't you just move back to Manhattan?
Lily: Because the suburbs are better for the baby.
Robin: Who says? Who says any place is better for the baby if you two are unhappy in it?
Marshall: No, no, we live here now.
Lily: And, you know, this place wouldn't seem so bad if we got one of our friends to move out here.
Robin: Oh, guys. Oh. I would rather set myself on fire.

Quote from Ted

Robin: [imaginary] Pottery. Now you're making pottery.
Ted: I needed a new vase and some plates. And bowls. The china cabinet I built had some design flaws.
Robin: Why don't you just turn this into a guest room?
Ted: A guest room? [chuckles] You mean a room ready and waiting for someone who isn't there? A room devoted to reminding me that I'm still alone?
Robin: Yeah, I don't need that. Ted, no matter how many things you put in this room, I'll still be here.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: Who needs Manhattan?
Marshall: Yeah.
Lily: [phone buzzes] Hmm, it's Ted. He wants to know if we want to hang out in the city.
Marshall: The next train leaves in nine minutes.
[Marshall and Lily jump up out of their "Snugget"]

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