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Season 2, Episode 13 -  Aired January 22, 2007

After the gang finds a naked portrait of Marshall painted by Lily, Barney asks her to paint one of him. Meanwhile, Ted struggles to find the appropriate time to fire his former boss, Hammond Druthers (Bryan Cranston).

Quote from Marshall

Robin: Oh, wow, he must be really good-looking.
Ted: Why would you say that?
Robin: Well, 'cause only good-looking people can get away with saying things like that.
Barney: I have found that to be true.
Marshall: It's a blessing and a curse really.


Quote from Ted

Robin: So, what are you gonna do?
Ted: Well, it's awkward, I mean, the guy used to be my boss. So, I went to talk to the managing partner.
Managing Partner: Fire him.
Ted: Well, sir, I was thinking he could just be put on a different project.
Managing Partner: Fire him! He's an arrogant, washed-up, pain in the ass. In fact, fire everyone on that project. Druthers, Mosby, the whole lot of them.
Ted: Mosby, sir? I, I... I hear Mosby's doing some great work.
Managing Partner: Fine, Mosby can stay. But tell him he's on thin ice. Come here. I like you, Crosby.

Quote from Robin

Barney: I know, right? Behind the piano this whole time.
Robin: Wait. If Marshall went to all this trouble to hide it, he clearly doesn't want us to find it.
Barney: Oh, come on, Robin.
Robin: No, I'm saying that he must be really embarrassed by this. We are gonna have so much fun.
Barney: I know! We're gonna have so much fun!

Quote from Barney

Barney: Oh, hey, Marshall. Have a seat. I know how much you love stools.
Marshall: Thanks. Yeah, stools are better for your posture.
Robin: And, uh... I... got you a rose.
Marshall: Thank you. That's so sweet. You guys are being... so sweet.
Barney: Hey, guys. Guess what I got. A new dart.
Robin: Oh, wow, a new dart.
Ted: Hey, that new dart is great.
Robin: I did not know you were such a fan of new dart, Barney.
Barney: Oh, yes, Robin, I just love new dart. Nude art.
Ted: Nude art.
Robin: Nude art.

Quote from Marshall

[flashback to Lily and Marshall in college in 1998:]
Future Ted: [v.o.] So the story on the painting is that, back in college, Lily wanted to do a nude study for her art class. Marshall wasn't so into the idea.
Marshall: Well, I just don't think that some dude should drop trou just to pose for you.
Lily: It's for class, and it's just that weird kid Hunter from my freshman hall.
Marshall: The frisbee dude with the soul patch? He's like the hottest guy in school!
Lily: No, he's actually a little husky...
Marshall: Oh, he's just huggable! And complicated. And a little bit of a jerk. Just enough so you think maybe you can change him.

Quote from Lily

[flashback to Lily and Marshall in college in 1998:]
Lily: Okay, just forget it.
Marshall: Call me old-fashioned, I just think that I'm the only guy you should see naked.
Lily: Well, then you'll have to do it.
Marshall: Are you kidding me? What if somebody sees it?
Lily: We're not in high school anymore. People don't make fun of you for posing nude for a painting. We're adults now.
Barney: We totally saw your butt.

Quote from Marshall

Carl: Hey, Marshall. What'll you have?
Marshall: What'll I have? Um, I don't know, maybe a beer and that nude painting of me hanging behind the bar!
Carl: Ooh, I'm sorry, that painting's property of the bar.
Marshall: I know that Barney gave you that painting.
Carl: I don't know what you're talking about.
Marshall: Whatever he's paying you, I'll pay you double.
Carl: I doubt it.
Marshall: Whatever he's paying you, I'll give you that plus ten bucks.
Carl: I doubt it.
Marshall: All right, you know what, Carl, you just lost yourself a regular customer.
Carl: I doubt it.

Quote from Ted

Robin: Okay, where should we put it up next? In his law school? Ooh, on the side of a bus. Oh, oh! How much do billboards cost?
Barney: Easy, Scherbatsky. Finesse. I've got a five-year rollout plan. I'll have you know that painting's got commitments all over the city. Then, after New York...
[Marshall runs from the back to the bar, grabs the painting and runs out]
Ted: One of my worst fears has come true, I just saw Marshall grabbing himself naked.

Quote from Barney

Lily: You know, I wish everyone didn't have to make fun of that painting.
Barney: Eh, we're not making fun of the painting, we're just making fun of Marshall. The painting's actually really great.
Lily: Are you serious?
Barney: Yeah.
Lily: Well, thank you. You know, seeing it again makes me miss painting nudes. What?
Barney: Paint me.
Lily: What?
Barney: Paint me.

Quote from Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] Druthers and I were alone in the office. If I was gonna fire him, this would be the best chance I'd ever have.
Mr. Druthers: Uh, look, just a second, Ted.
Ted: Uh, no, I, I really need to talk to you. Look, there's no easy way to say... What, what are you doing?
Mr. Druthers: What are you doing?
Ted: I'm standing here wearing pants. Are you sleeping here?

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