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Bad Crazy

‘Bad Crazy’

Season 8, Episode 16 - Aired February 11, 2013

Ted's girlfriend Jeanette barricades herself in his bedroom after he tries to break up with her. Meanwhile, Lily leaves Marvin in Robin's care for a minute, leading to a secret she holds onto for years.

Quote from Ted

Barney: Ted, did you or didn't you break up with Jeanette last night?
Ted: I don't know, it's kind of confusing.
[flashback to Ted and Jeanette at the game:]
Ted: I think we need to talk.
Jeanette: Oh, oh, okay. I see where this is going. You're in love with Lily. That's it, isn't it?
Ted: What? No, I...
Jeanette: Like I should be surprised with her fancy medical degree and her sexy Southern drawl.
Ted: What? She's not...
Jeanette: Don't talk to me, don't look at me. I hate you and I never want to see you again!
Ted: And then things got crazy and we got thrown out of the Barclays Center. I don't know, it felt pretty breakup-y. Anyway, we parted on pretty bad terms, so... I kind of thought maybe I could...
Barney: Never contact her again and hope she'd take the hint and just leave you alone?
Ted: Barney, give me some credit.
Barney: Was that the plan?
Ted: Yes.


Quote from Robin

[fourteen years later, Robin and Lily speak quickly over wine:]
Robin: All gone.
Lily: We need to do this more often.
Robin: We totally do. I can't believe Marvin's in high school.
Lily: He's growing up so fast.
Robin: Can I confess something to you?
Lily: Oh, no. What? What happened? Tell me what you did to my son.
Robin: This is not going well at all.
Woman: Oh, honey, you are shaking. Let's get you out of the cold. What's open near here?
[Marvin sits on the woman's lap at a strip club]
Lily: You took my infant child to a strip club?
Robin: It was just topless. He saw yours all the time anyway. Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, but that is all there is. Okay, there is no more to the story. I have now told you everything.

Quote from Robin

[sixteen years later, Robin and Lily chat over wine:]
Robin: All gone.
Lily: We need to do this more often.
Robin: We totally do. I can't believe Marvin's driving.
Lily: He's growing up so fast.
Robin: Okay, there's one other thing.
Lily: What?
[flashback to Robin, Marvin and the woman at the strip club:]
Robin: Well, I have to go use the ladies' room. Can you watch him for me?
Woman: Of course. [to Marvin] I could just eat you up.
Lily: You left him with a complete stranger? He could've been... Robin, how could you?
Robin: Lily, please, okay, it was 16 years ago. He's fine.
Lily: You're right. It's fine.
Robin: God, it feels so good to have gotten this off my chest. Finally it is all on the table. All secrets are exposed
and there is nothing left to be revealed.

Quote from Robin

[seventeen years later, Robin and Lily chat over wine:]
Robin: All gone.
Lily: We need to do this more...
Robin: There's more to the story.
Lily: Damn it, Robin. What could you possibly have left out?
Robin: It's just there's, one little detail that I may have slightly altered.
[flashback to Robin on the street with Lily and Marvin:]
Lily: If he starts crying, just pick him up.
Robin: Yeah, there, there. Come on, buddy, shh.
Mike Tyson: Looks like somebody's unhappy.
Robin: No kidding, I'm miserable. Listen to this thing.
Mike Tyson: Maybe he needs to be held.
Robin: I think you're right. Can you do it?
Mike Tyson: Sure. Come here, handsome. Come here, come here, you handsome devil, you. You're such a beautiful... Aw, you're such a cool dude. Oh, look at you, oh. All right, there, there, little one, there, there. Let me put you back in your strolly-poo so you can drift off to dreamy-dreamy land. Okay? All right.
Robin: Thank you so much.
Mike Tyson: Hey, don't worry about it.
Robin: It's my first time alone with him, and I just have this weird feeling I'm gonna drop him or injure him in some way. I know it's completely insane...
Mike Tyson: Oh, heavens, oh, watch it, no!
Robin: No! This is not going well at all.
Mike Tyson: Oh, hon, you're shaking. Let's get out of the cold. Is there anything open near here?
[cut to Marvin on Mike Tyson's lap in a strip club:]
Robin: Hey, I need to go to the ladies' room... can you watch him for me?
Mike Tyson: Of course. I could just eat you up. Look at you, yum, yum, yum, yum.
Lily: You waited 17 years to tell me that you met the greatest boxer of all time? My son was rocked to sleep by Senator Mike Tyson?
Robin: I wanted to tell you, believe me.
Lily: How could you...?

Quote from Barney

Marshall: Okay, this is the right thing to do. You got to go up there and break up with her for real.
Barney: And don't worry, if anything happens, just scream, we'll come rescue you.
Ted: Okay.
[five minutes later, Ted comes crashing down the stairs:]
Ted: Did you guys not hear me screaming up there?
Barney: Aw, I feel so awful. We went to get subs. We got you one though. [Marshall shakes his head] We didn't get you one.

Quote from Robin

Robin: I don't think it's quite that simple. I was talking to a friend of mine about Ted and Jeanette.
Ted: Oh, great, what friend is this?
Robin: Uh, just this wise old lady that I know.
[flashback to Robin, Marvin and Mike Tyson at the strip club:]
Mike Tyson: Here's the thing about crazy. When a guy sends mixed signals to a girl, it takes a toll on her psychological well-being. You want to know why a girl acts crazy, look at the guy she's dating. Then you really see some crazy. Trust me.
Robin: Are you Mike Tyson?

Quote from Ted

Barney: Now, hold on. I've dated tons of crazy girls in my life, and not once have I ever treated them with anything other than... Oh, right, I'm a monster.
Marshall: Maybe the old lady with the face tattoo is right. Maybe the reason Jeanette's acting this way is Ted.
Ted: Me? How is this my fault?
Lily: Yeah, come on, this is Ted we're talking about. I'm sure he didn't do anything to lead her on or send mixed signals, right, Ted?
[flashback to Ted and Jeanette at the game:]
Jeanette: Don't talk to me, don't look at me. I hate you and I never want to see you again!
[Ted kisses Jeanette]
Ted: And we got thrown out of the Barclays Center.

Quote from Ted

Lily: But that was last night. I mean, it's not like...
[flashback to a few minutes ago:]
Ted: Listen, Jeanette, we really need to have a serious talk about our...
Jeanette: [wearing Ted's red cowboy boots] So, did Lily leave these boots here or was it some other bitch?
Ted: Marshall, Barney, help me!
Jeanette: I don't think they're coming.
Ted: I guess not.
[Ted and Jeanette kiss]
Ted: It's those red boots. They just look sexy on everyone.

Quote from Robin

Robin: Okay, Ted, what is with the red boots? You're a smart guy, you've got some taste, you got a visual sense, I mean, you're an architect for Pete's sakes. How can you look at those boots and think... Oh, my God, I'm holding it, I'm holding the baby.
Marshall: What, you've never held him before?
Robin: Uh, tons of times. This-this is not a big moment for me. This is exhilarating.

Quote from Lily

Ted: Look, yes, I know what you're gonna say. I have to break up with her.
Lily: No, I was actually gonna say the opposite. I think you need to be with Jeanette right now.
Ted: Because she's the one.
Lily: No. What? No. She's insane. But I think you are also a little insane right now. So I think you need to go be with your crazy girl for a while and when it all goes down in flames... and I don't mean that figuratively, I expect there to be actual flames...
Future Ted: [v.o.] And there were.
Lily: We'll be here for you because we love you.

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