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Season 8, Episode 6 - Aired October 27, 1998

Tim fears he's lost the ability to scare people when his Halloween pranks fall flat. After Tim encourages Wilson to break up from his new girlfriend at a Halloween party, Wilson mysteriously vanishes.

Quote from Wilson

Tim: [on the phone] Yes. I'd like to report a break-in. And a missing person. It's 508 Glenview Road. I'm the next-door neighbor. It's Tim Taylor.
[Wilson, Detective Roberts and two other men are with Al at his house:]
Detective Roberts: And what's the name of the missing person?
Tim: Wilson Wilson.
Detective Roberts: We'll be right over. [hangs up]
Tim: Thanks.
Detective Roberts: We're all set.
Wilson: Thanks for helping me out. Now we're gonna find out who's really the king.


Quote from Jill

Jill: Hook, line and sinker. You were great.
Brad: No, no, no. You were great. Reprogramming that speed dial was a touch of genius.
Jill: I am the queen.

Quote from Tim

Detective Roberts: So when was the last time you saw Mr. Wilson?
Tim: Uh, last night at the party. He was wearing his grandmother's hook.
Detective Roberts: He likes hooks. You like kitchen utensils. Drop them.

Quote from Tim

Detective MacIntyre: Got something here, Roberts. Mr. Taylor, were you aware that Mr. Wilson had recently changed his will?
Tim: Yes! Yes! Yes! I met the lawyer at the party! Yeah, he had big ears. Probably came in handy at the hearings. [chuckles]
Detective MacIntyre: Are you also aware that in his new will you're named as sole beneficiary?
Tim: I'm his special friend.
Detective MacIntyre: And possibly his wealthy friend. You stand to receive substantial cash assets and a uranium mine in Brazil.
Tim: I didn't know Wilson was rich.
Detective Roberts: Special friend had no idea. That's a new one.
Detective MacIntyre: People like you make me sick! You expect us to believe that you lived next door to this guy all these years and had no idea he was loaded?
Detective Roberts: Calm down, Maclntyre. You just got your badge back.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Are you guys accusing me of something?
Detective Roberts: No, no. We'd never consider you a suspect until we had some hard evidence.
Detective MacIntyre: [finds an ax in the door] Property of Tim Taylor.
Detective Roberts: You have the right to remain silent...
Tim: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it. That's a Halloween prank. I just used that, you know, to scare Wilson.
Detective MacIntyre: Well, perhaps you scared him to death.
Tim: I am the king. [chuckles]

Quote from Tim

Detective Roberts: All right, Mr. Taylor, let's run through it one more time.We've go t your fingerprints on the back door, a will leaving everything to you...
Detective MacIntyre: A crime scene you've tampered with, and a bloody ax with your name on it.
Tim: Okay, back off, McGarrett. Danno! You've also got my theory.
Detective Roberts: Right. A witch did it.
Tim: Right. Right. You see, I told Wilson that she was a little nutty, and he might consider breaking off the relationship.
Detective MacIntyre: Oh, so you're a buttinski, too?
Tim: Back off, will you, Baretta?

Quote from Tim

Tim: My point is, I think she's doing this to get back at Wilson, and she's blaming me to cover her tracks.
Detective Roberts: So you're saying you had nothing to do with Mr. Wilson's disappearance.
Tim: I wouldn't do anything to my friend Wilson.
Mozart: [squawks] You're killing me, Tim. You're killing me, Tim.
Tim: Oh, I'd like to kill that damn bird.
Detective MacIntyre: This one's a sicko! Taking you down would be worth my badge, pal!
Detective Roberts: Easy, Maclntyre. Easy.

Quote from Brad

Detective MacIntyre: You were in the bathroom for 45 minutes?
Tim: I had the annual hot rod issue.
Brad: So for 45 minutes you have no alibi?
Tim: Thank you, Brad.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Good going, guys. That's the witch, right there.
Detective Roberts: Witch? Mary's from our crime lab.
Tim: No, no, no. That's Wilson's girlfriend. She was at the party. That's the witch, right?
Jill: Well, there is a slight resemblance.
Tim: Slight resemblance... Agatha, right?
Agatha: I don't know what you're talking about. What I do know is this is now officially a murder investigation.
Tim, Jill & Brad: Murder?
Tim: Hang on. Are you saying that Wilson's dead?
Detective MacIntyre: Yes. Wilson's dead, and you're under arrest for his murder.
Detective Roberts: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

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