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Believe It or Not

‘Believe It or Not’

Season 7, Episode 22 - Aired April 28, 1998

After Wilson confides in Tim that he once saw an alien spacecraft, he becomes the object of ridicule when Tim tells other people about Wilson's experience.

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: You know, Tim, I've never told anybody this, but one night when I was living with my parents outside the Turkish city of Cappadocia... I saw an alien craft land.
Tim: Did you see little green men come out of it?
Wilson: No, no, no, no, no, no. These men were bluish-gray. Assuming they were men. I didn't see any sexually distinguishing features.
Tim: Well, you had just met.
Wilson: Oh, I tell you, it was an amazing thing. I'll never forget it.
Tim: Well, how'd the night go? Some cocktails and a quick probe?
Wilson: Oh, Tim! I never should've told you about this.
Tim: No, no, no, no. I'm sorry, Wilson. I understand completely what happened. Have you been inside shellacking all day? Because if you don't get enough ventilation, it can really, you know... I do that, I think I'm Aquaman.


Quote from Tim

Tim: I'm serious. He said he had an encounter with extraterrestrials.
Randy: Or he dipped into the festival wine a bit early.
Jill: Well, I wouldn't dismiss him so quickly, guys. I mean, there has been lots of documentation about peoples' encounters with aliens.
Tim: You think there's a real possibility?
Jill: Look, there's some really respected institutions that have entire departments devoted to paranormal studies.
Tim: Ooh, yeah. The department of ooo-eee-ooo.

Quote from Tim

Tim: What you got, Wilson? Some rare Amazonian plant you crossbred with, like, a North African variety?
Wilson: They're petunias. Good day, Tim.
Tim: Wait a minute, Wilson. I was wondering if maybe that spaceship you saw is the same kind that the army found in Roswell.
Wilson: What do you know of Roswell?
Tim: Well, I know that a lot of people think a flying saucer crash-landed there. I also know about Sheffield, England. In 1962 there was a spectacular sighting there. And in Mexico City, 198-
Wilson: '83.
Tim: Yeah.
Wilson: You know, Tim, with the difficult time you gave me, I'm kind of surprised you're taking such an interest in unexplained phenomena.
Tim: Well, I figured if a real intelligent guy like you was interested in the stuff, maybe I should learn more about it, so I went on the Internet and I found out there's a lot of people have had experiences just like yours, and not just people with a shellac dependency.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Thank you, everybody. Welcome to Tool Time. I am Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor. And you all know my assistant, Hugh Hefty.
Al: All week long we've been showing you things that make men's lives easier.
Tim: Yesterday it was wives with laryngitis. But today it's our Tool Time salute...
Tim & Al: [on TV monitor] To remote control.
Al: [on TV monitor] The first television remote was connected to the TV with a wire. It was invented in 1950.
Tim: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Al, my dad had a wireless remote control that was voice-activated in 1950.
Al: [on TV monitor] Tim, that's impossible.
Tim: No, it's not. It was called Mom.
Al: Ladies, write to Tim Taylor, care of Tool Time, PO Box 327...

Quote from Al

Tim: OK, now we get to the ultimate in remote control.
Al: And what would that be?
Tim: It's called virtual reality. You become the remote control. You become part of the action.
Al: What kind of action?
Tim: You name it. Car racing, football... How about basketball? How would you like to go one-on-one with Grant Hill?
Al: Oh, that would be great!
Tim: Slip these on. These are virtual-reality optical sensing devices.
Al: Oh, the circuitry must be incredibly small. They look like regular sunglasses.
Tim: Now, slip your hand into this. This is a tactile sensory device.
Al: Well, this looks just like the work glove that disappeared out of my locker.

Quote from Tim

Wilson: Aah! Oh!
Tim: Did I scare you, Wilson?
Wilson: Well, not you. It's that flying baked potato.
Tim: Well, the manufacturer says it looks like an alien spaceship. I think it looks like a big Jiffy Pop container.

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: You know, I tend to agree with you. A real spaceship would have some form of internal propulsion.
Tim: Right. Should look more like a saucer.
Wilson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. An iridescent glow.
Tim: A low hum.
Wilson: Yeah, 26 diamond-shaped windows all in a row.
Tim: What flying saucer are you talking about? The one out of Forbidden Planet or The Day The Earth Stood Still?
Wilson: Oh, I wasn't talking about a movie.
Tim: What were you talking about?
Wilson: Well, nothing. Oh, look at the rain.

Quote from Brad

Randy: What are those?
Brad: College catalogs. In case I don't get that soccer scholarship, I need to figure out a great place to go to college.
Randy: The University of Hawaii. Cancun College. Virgin Islands State? You going to college or on a cruise?
Brad: All these schools have great academic programs.
Randy: Is that why you divided them into beach schools and ski schools?

Quote from Jill

Tim: I had a weird discussion with Wilson.
Jill: Why, what's new with him?
Tim: He claims he had an encounter with space aliens. He saw these blue-green creatures when he was staying with his folks in a Turkish town, Cappuccino.
Jill: Were they covered in foam and sprinkled with cinnamon?

Quote from Randy

Randy: You know, Mom, with all the money spent on research, they still don't have any proof alien life exists.
Jill: They don't have any proof it doesn't exist.
Tim: Well, I guess we know who are the sane members of this family.
Randy: Don't lump me in with you.

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