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Secrets & Loans

‘Secrets & Loans’

Season 2, Episode 11 - Aired January 29, 2002

When Lorelai discovers her house is infested with termites, she exhausts all her options trying to get a loan to pay for the repair work - all except one. Meanwhile, Rory is surprised to learn that Lane is now a cheerleader.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] Hi, Mr. Regalski, it's Lorelai Gilmore. Again. Yes. Just like the pink bunny with the drum. Anyway, I was wondering if you have had a chance to reconsider my loan. No, I think it's Energizer. I know you said no but sometimes people say no and then they wake up one morning a couple of days later and think, "Hey, maybe, I shouldn't have turned down that mom with the good job and great credentials and the references up the wazoo." I do like the word "wazoo". I understand. Okay. Well, I'll give you a call in a couple of days then. Thank you.


Quote from Emily

Lorelai: [on the phone] You wrangled me a meeting at your bank.
Emily: I asked a friend for advice.
Lorelai: What else did you ask him for, Mom?
Emily: I simply asked a man to talk to you. What you talk about, or what comes of that talk is up to you.
Lorelai: Thanks, Mom, but I'm fine.
Emily: So you got a loan?
Lorelai: I got a lead.
Emily: A lead on a loan?
Lorelai: Yes.
Emily: How nice. Now, if you could just get an actual loan.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Okay, I think I've seen enough.
Lorelai: Well, how was it? Was there a termite housing development under? You know, golf courses and condos with rec rooms?

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Luke, when I finally do make out this installment check who should I make it out to?
Luke: You can make it out to me if you like.
Lorelai: So basically you would be fronting me the money?
Luke: Yeah. But it's no big deal.
Lorelai: Luke, that's a loan.
Luke: No. It's just a temporary exchange of money for services that will be paid back when you finally have the... It's a loan.
Lorelai: Man, you suck as a liar.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I'm leaving, Mom.
Emily: Why, because I'm here?
Lorelai: This is a business meeting. I'm not going in with my mommy, especially since I left my blankie at home.

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: No, I mean it. I can't leave without knowing there's a way to save my house so I'm just asking you to take five minutes and think of something anything, that I can do to get this money.
Miles Hahn: Well, you could get someone to co-sign the loan with you.
Lorelai: That's it? That's my only option?
Miles Hahn: I'm afraid so.
Lorelai: You knew about this, didn't you? [Emily is silent] Mom?
Emily: Huh?
Lorelai: Would you be willing
Emily: It would be my pleasure.
Miles Hahn: Wonderful. I'll have the papers drawn up today. Would you like some more coffee?
Emily: I would love some. Thank you.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: I got your note.
Rory: Yeah, well, pinning it to the Mallomars is always a safe bet.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Rory, have you ever been without food or clothes or books or book covers, for that matter, or anything else you ever needed?
Rory: No.
Lorelai: No. And see, the reason for that is me. I have a pretty good track record for keeping you alive.
Rory: Yeah, you do.
Lorelai: So when I say I can handle something, you need to respect that. Especially since you have no evidence that I won't. Understand?
Rory: Yeah. I understand. I'm sorry.
Lorelai: I officially declare this fight over.
Rory: I'll drink to that.

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: So, Mom, they started work on the house yesterday.
Emily: Oh, good.
Lorelai: These guys come at the crack of dawn and all of a sudden there's all this hammering and drilling and dust flying.
Rory: It's pretty impressive.
Lorelai: They're a nice bunch, too. And the best part is, I've been out there ten times to bring them coffee and I haven't seen a butt crack yet.
Emily: How nice. They should paint that slogan on their truck.

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