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Scene in a Mall

‘Scene in a Mall’

Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired February 24, 2004

As Lorelai and Rory play hooky so they can finally catch up with each other, they run into Emily on a shopping spree at the mall.

Quote from Paris

Paris: For the love of God, I begged you not to touch anything. I'm not contagious anymore. [Paris sprays down the doorknob]
Rory: Paris, stop!
Paris: I'm not getting sick.
Rory: That's your deodorant.
Paris: Then what the hell did I spray under my arms?


Quote from Lorelai

Emily: You couldn't see the smoke from Stars Hollow? Lettie burned the entree.
Lorelai: Beyond edibility? 'Cause I'm not picky.
Emily: No, I could not expose you to such a loin.
Lorelai: Oh, if I had a nickel.
Emily: What?
Lorelai: So you had a burning loin.
Emily: And now I'm fighting to squeeze us into somewhere appropriate.
Lorelai: Someone to take pity on the loinless.
Emily: Is that how you're dressed?
Lorelai: Is this a trick question?
Emily: It's really not appropriate to go out in.
Lorelai: Well, I did not foresee your burning loin.
Emily: Stop saying that word.
Lorelai: When will I get this chance again?

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: [on the phone] I'm getting over a cold. You knew that.
Lorelai: No, I didn't, because our once-wonderful relationship, envy of all the world, more intimate than that of the naked couple in the "Love is..." cartoons, has degenerated into e-mail correspondence.
Rory: I'm sure I wrote that I had a cold.
Lorelai: No, you didn't.
Rory: In all those e-mails, I didn't mention it?
Lorelai: All those e-mails? I'm sorry, but you write less than the people offering to enlarge a piece of anatomy I do not possess.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] So we won't buy anything. We'll just window-shop. That could be fun. It'll be like we're in an old movie, y'know? Walking around, window-shopping like Roz Russell and Ava Gardner on Fifth Avenue.
Rory: I'm with you.
Lorelai: Meet me at the inn, 10:00?
Rory: But it's been so long. How will we recognize each other?
Lorelai: We'll wear a rose in our lapels.
Rory: Or dangling from my nose ring.
Lorelai: You're kidding about that, right?
Rory: I'm leaving you in suspense.
Lorelai: Tomorrow at 10:00, Roz darling?
Rory: Till tomorrow, Ava dearest.

Quote from Kirk

Luke: What's with all the dogs, Kirk?
Kirk: Well, people in town saw how good I was with Lulu's dog that they asked me to watch theirs -- for a fee, of course.
Luke: What are you looking for?
Kirk: Shh. Come on. It's a game I'm playing with the dogs, "Tracker". See, I cut one of them loose, and then the rest of us hide until we get tracked down. At the moment, we're hiding from Snuggles.
Luke: We are?
Kirk: It helps them hone their tracking skills, and the kids love it.
Luke: What kids?
Kirk: The babies. The dogs.
Luke: You ever the one that gets cut loose?
Kirk: I've gone twice. Shh. Snuggles. [a dog runs across the street] Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Where should we start?
Lorelai: Well, we're window-shopping, so let's find a window.
Rory: I see rows and rows of windows.
Lorelai: Hey, let's walk arm in arm like window-shopping ladies do in movies.
Rory: You got it.
Lorelai: I wish I'd brought a xylophone with me. There's always a bouncy xylophone playing when movie girls window-shop.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Time to pull the plug, hon.
Rory: But what do we do? It's still morning.
Lorelai: We could ride the glass elevator up and down.
Rory: Oh, God, we're sad.
Lorelai: They've got a merry-go-round.
Rory: It costs money.
Lorelai: Right, and we're "skint".

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, no.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: Emily.
Rory: Emily who?
Lorelai: "Emily the Strange" with the black cat and the boots made for kicking. Who do you think?

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I guess we're following my mother.
Rory: She's very aggressive today.
Lorelai: I think the passive part of her personality is playing hooky.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Are you keeping track?
Rory: I lost count.
Lorelai: She bought me four cocktail dresses, two evening gowns, and if I'm not mistaken, eight maids a-milking.

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