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Quote from Lorelai in Scene in a Mall

Emily: You couldn't see the smoke from Stars Hollow? Lettie burned the entree.
Lorelai: Beyond edibility? 'Cause I'm not picky.
Emily: No, I could not expose you to such a loin.
Lorelai: Oh, if I had a nickel.
Emily: What?
Lorelai: So you had a burning loin.
Emily: And now I'm fighting to squeeze us into somewhere appropriate.
Lorelai: Someone to take pity on the loinless.
Emily: Is that how you're dressed?
Lorelai: Is this a trick question?
Emily: It's really not appropriate to go out in.
Lorelai: Well, I did not foresee your burning loin.
Emily: Stop saying that word.
Lorelai: When will I get this chance again?

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