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Quote from Kirk in Scene in a Mall

Luke: What's with all the dogs, Kirk?
Kirk: Well, people in town saw how good I was with Lulu's dog that they asked me to watch theirs -- for a fee, of course.
Luke: What are you looking for?
Kirk: Shh. Come on. It's a game I'm playing with the dogs, "Tracker". See, I cut one of them loose, and then the rest of us hide until we get tracked down. At the moment, we're hiding from Snuggles.
Luke: We are?
Kirk: It helps them hone their tracking skills, and the kids love it.
Luke: What kids?
Kirk: The babies. The dogs.
Luke: You ever the one that gets cut loose?
Kirk: I've gone twice. Shh. Snuggles. [a dog runs across the street] Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed.

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