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Kill Me Now

‘Kill Me Now’

Season 1, Episode 3 -  Aired October 19, 2000

Rory spends an afternoon on the golf course with Richard. Meanwhile, Lorelai organizes a double wedding at the inn.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Do you get to travel a lot?
Richard: Quite a bit.
Rory: Lucky.
Richard: I suspect you have a yen for travel.
Rory: I'm up to my ears in yens.
Richard: Any particular place you'd like to go?
Rory: Hundreds of places: Paris, Rome, London, Prague, Istanbul, Fez. Have you ever been to Fez?
Richard: Well, I can't say that I have.
Rory: I wanna go to Fez.
Richard: I think traveling, for a young girl, is a very important thing. Your mother never got a chance to travel much.
Rory: I know. She talks about that all the time.
Richard: She does?
Rory: We've got a deal. When I graduate from high school we're gonna go backpacking through Europe together. You know, do the whole hostel thing. I just hope it really happens.
Richard: Well, we'll just have to make sure that it does.


Quote from Rory

Rory: She caught him in the pool house with the tennis pro not the riding instructor.
Richard: I had no idea.
Rory: That committee of yours is not looking at people as much as you think.
Richard: Oh, why would they? From what you've told me they're all involved in one nefarious activity after another.
Rory: It's a conspiracy.
Richard: It's Peyton Place. Is there more?
Rory: Can you handle it?
Richard: I'll steel myself.
Rory: Okay, Mr. Neville likes all things frilly.
Richard: Good God, he's my broker.
Rory: I don't think one will affect the other.

Quote from Luke

Luke: Interesting hat.
Rory: I went golfing with my grandfather today.
Luke: Did you know golf courses are an environmental blight because of the chemicals used to keep the grass green?
Rory: Actually, I did. [Luke stares at her] Bad joke. Sorry.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Well, by the end of the day I could even hit the ball. Sometimes it wasn't my ball, but the intentions were good.
Lorelai: Well, good intentions and no physical exertion whatsoever is what the game of golf was built on.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: What are you talking about?
Lorelai: I'm talking about that you take my sweaters wear them, and stretch them out.
Rory: I couldn't possibly stretch them out. Your boobs are way bigger than mine.
Lorelai: [exhales] That is not true.
Rory: Yes, it is.
Lorelai: Your boobs are totally bigger than mine.
Rory: You're crazy!
Lorelai: Do you want to measure?
Rory: What?
Lorelai: I'm serious. Why don't you go get the measuring tape now?
Rory: I am not going to measure my boobs.
Lorelai: Because you know that you are totally bigger.
Rory: I'm going inside.
Lorelai: Fine. Don't measure. We'll just compare bras.
Rory: Stop it.
Lorelai: I'll stop it when you quit stealing my stuff!
Rory: You're cracked!
Lorelai: You're bigger!

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Want something to drink?
Rory: Are you trying to make up?
Lorelai: No, I'm trying to hydrate you.
Rory: I'm fine, thanks.
Lorelai: I'm sorry.
Rory: It's okay.
Lorelai: A crazy, evil spirit obsessed with bra size took over my body.
Rory: It happens.
Lorelai: She's gone now.
Rory: Good to know.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: I mean, in this age of MTV and 100 television channels who would have thought a girl could still get a thrill spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather?
Lorelai: That wine would be real good right now, Mom.
Emily: I think we should consider getting her a membership at the club, don't you?
Lorelai: If she wants, sure.
Emily: I mean, to have a place to go where she can socialize. That's very important to a young girl.
Lorelai: Well, now especially that the crack den has closed down on the corner all her really good friends are gone. [off Emily's look] What do you think, should I pursue the career in comedy?
Emily: It's just very interesting the way things turn out, isn't it?

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, the dinner was so wonderful, Mira.
Sarah: It's Sarah.
Lorelai: Oh, I'm sorry. Mom, her name is Sarah.
Emily: I thought she said Mira.
Lorelai: Ugh.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay. Mom, could I maybe talk to you for a minute?
Emily: We're having dessert.
Lorelai: I know, but I'd like to talk to you fast before the sugar sets in and makes me crazy.
Emily: You are the oddest person.
Lorelai: [quietly to Rory] Too easy.

Quote from Emily

Emily: So let me get this straight. There's no way that Rory could possibly enjoy a weekend day with her grandfather.
Lorelai: Oh, you're just gonna twist it all around, aren't you?
Emily: And you know your daughter so well that you don't even have to ask her opinion. She'd be miserable, and you'd know it.
Lorelai: I'm so setting myself up here. But, yes, she would be miserable.
Emily: That sounds a little controlling to me.
Lorelai: Yeah, I walked right into that.
Emily: Interesting, isn't it, you being the one who's controlling?
Lorelai: I am not being-
Emily: According to you I was the only one in the family with that gift.
Lorelai: I never said that!
Emily: I guess you and I are more alike than you thought, aren't we?
Lorelai: You win.
Emily: Thank you.

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