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The One with the Ballroom Dancing

‘The One with the Ballroom Dancing’

Season 4, Episode 4 - Aired October 16, 1997

When Joey confronts Mr. Treeger for making Rachel cry, he threatens to evict Monica and Rachel unless Joey teaches him to dance. Meanwhile, Chandler calls on Ross for backup when he decides to quit the gym, and Phoebe struggles to resist temptation when she massages an attractive man.

Quote from Monica

Rachel: You got us evicted?
Monica: I told you not to go down there.
Joey: He made Rachel cry.
Monica: Rachel always cries!
Rachel: [sobbing] That's not true.


Quote from Phoebe

Interviewee: So it looks like you've got great experience here. Let's see. Reason for leaving last job?
Phoebe: Yeah, they thought I was a whore.
Interviewee: Okay. We'll give you a call if anything comes up.
Phoebe: Great. Thank you very much.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Hey, Mr. Treeger.
Mr. Treeger: What are you doing?
Rachel: I'm sorry. It's a little old but ... [opens the pizza box she was throwing away]
Mr. Treeger: You're clogging up the chute I just spent a half-hour unclogging.
Rachel: I'm sorry. I don't come in here a lot.
Mr. Treeger: Of course you don't because you're a little princess. Daddy, buy me a pizza. Daddy, buy me a candy factory. Daddy, make the cast of Cats sing "Happy Birthday" to me. You think you can just come here make a mess and a big man in coveralls will come and clean it up? Well, why don't you think of someone else for a change?
Rachel: [sobbing] Okay, I'm sorry.
[Rachel returns to the apartment with the pizza box]
Monica: God, if you're going to cry about it!

Quote from Joey

Mr. Treeger: Tribbiani. Hold on. I'll get the plunger.

Quote from Chandler

Mr. Treeger: Hey, Duck. Is Chick here?
Chandler: Yeah, Bunny Rabbit.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Please don't kick the girls out. This was my fault.
Mr. Treeger: You want me to kick you guys out instead?
Joey: No, you can't do that. Where would the chick and the duck live?
Mr. Treeger: You have pets?
Joey: No. Those are nicknames. I'm the "chick," and Chandler's the "duck."
Mr. Treeger: Huh. I would've thought it was the other way around.

Quote from Rachel

Monica: Rachel, you just put an empty carton back in the fridge.
Rachel: Yeah, I know, but the garbage was full.
Monica: Have you ever taken out the trash?
Rachel: Well, I thought you liked doing it.

Quote from Rachel

Joey: Whoa. Whoa. Treeger made you cry?
Rachel: Yeah. He said really mean things that were only partly true.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: I want to quit the gym.
Staff Member: You want to quit?
Chandler: I want to quit the gym.
Staff Member: You do realize you won't have access to our full-circle new Swedish spa?
Chandler: I want to quit the gym.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: We're doomed. They'll take $50 a month from our accounts for the rest of our lives. What are we gonna do?
Monica: Well, you could actually go to the gym.
[Ross and Chandler laugh]
Ross: Or we could go to the bank close our accounts and cut them off at the source.
Chandler: You're a genius.
Joey: Oh, man. But then, we won't be bank buddies.
Chandler: Now there's two reasons.

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