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The One with Rachel's Phone Number

‘The One with Rachel's Phone Number’

Season 9, Episode 9 - Aired December 5, 2002

When Phoebe joins Rachel on a girls' night out, Mike spends the evening with Ross. Meanwhile, Chandler lies to Joey and says he's staying in Tulsa so he can spend some alone time with Monica.

Quote from Ross

Rachel: Thank you for watching the baby.
Ross: Oh, it's fine. Actually, I invited Mike over.
Rachel: Phoebe's Mike?
Ross: Yeah.
Rachel: I didn't know that you guys hung out.
Ross: We don't but thought it'd be nice to get to know him. Maybe have a little dinner, drinks, conversation.
Rachel: That's so cute. Ross and Mike's first date. Is that going to be awkward? What are you guys gonna talk about?
Ross: I don't know. But you know, we have a lot in common, you know? He plays piano. I played keyboards in college. He's been divorced. I have some experience in that area.


Quote from Monica

Joey: Hey, open the door! What's going on? What are you-?
Monica: Hi.
Joey: Why are you dressed like that?
Monica: Because, well, Chandler's gonna be home in a couple of days so I thought I would just, you know, practice the art of seduction.
Joey: But I thought I heard a man's voice before.
Monica: No, I was just doing Chandler's side of the conversation. You know, like, "Hi, how do I look?" "Really sexy. Could I be any more turned on?"

Quote from Mike

[phone rings]
Mike: I'll get it! Hello? Ross's place. Mike speaking. It's for you.
Ross: I don't understand what just happened here.

Quote from Mike

Phoebe: Hey, Mike, it's me. Listen, is Is Ross near you?
Mike: No, I just left.
Phoebe: Well, you have to go back in.
Mike: What? Go back? To the land where time stands still?

Quote from Monica

Monica: Chandler, look. I don't wanna be one of those wives that says: "You can't go to the game. You have to spend time with me." So if you could just realize it on your own.

Quote from Ross

Ross: So Phoebe tells me you play piano.
Mike: Yeah.
Ross: You know, I used to play keyboards in college.
Mike: Oh. Do you have one here?
Ross: No.
Mike: Okay.
[long silence]
Ross: You know, I'm divorced. Phoebe- Phoebe says you're- You've been divorced?
Mike: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't really like to talk about it.
Ross: That's okay. We'll talk about something else.
Mike: So you're a paleontologist, right?
Ross: Yeah.
Mike: My cousin's a paleontologist.
Ross: Well, he and I would probably have a lot to talk about.

Quote from Joey

Chandler: Hey, Joe.
Joey: Dude, come home.
Chandler: What? Why?
Joey: Come home.
Chandler: Look, I can't. What's going on?
Joey: I don't know how to tell you this, but I think Monica's cheating on you. I told you, you shouldn't have married someone so much hotter than you.

Quote from Joey

Joey: All right, look. If you can't come home and deal with this, then I'm gonna.
Chandler: No!
Joey: I just heard him.
Chandler: Can you hear him now?
Joey: No. All right, I'm going in.
Chandler: No, wait!
Joey: I heard him again.

Quote from Mike

Mike: So you like the beer?
Ross: I do. I do. Although, it's actually a lager.
Mike: Huh. What's the difference between beer and lager?
Ross: I don't know. We could look it up.
Mike: Things are about to get wild.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: We're not here to meet guys. You have a boyfriend. I have a baby and a Ross.

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