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The One Where Monica Sings

‘The One Where Monica Sings’

Season 9, Episode 13 - Aired January 30, 2003

Phoebe convinces Monica to sing at Mike's piano bar. Meanwhile, Ross is still reeling from seeing Rachel kiss Gavin on the balcony, and Chandler helps Joey out after a waxing disaster.

Quote from Chandler

Ross: This is great. Rachel's gonna keep kissing guys until she finds the one she wants, and I'm gonna die alone.
Chandler: By drowning or...?


Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Can you totally see through her shirt?
Mike: Like an x-ray.
Phoebe: Bad day not to wear a bra.

Quote from Chandler

Joey: Look, it hurt so bad, I could only let her do one eyebrow, and now they don't match.
Chandler: It's like a baby caterpillar chasing its mama.

Quote from Mike

Phoebe: Mon, not that you didn't sound good-
Monica: Good? Didn't you hear them? I was great. Thank you so much for making me do this. That is the best gift ever.
Mike: Also a good gift: Underwear.

Quote from Ross

Ross: That's Michelle.
Rachel: Who?
Ross: Oh, just this woman I've been seeing.
Rachel: You've been seeing someone?
Ross: Yeah, didn't I mention that? I mean, we haven't been going out too long but there's this amazing connection between us. I mean, in fact just before you came in, she called me her boyfriend. I thought it was a little too soon, but also, it felt kind of nice.
Michelle: What are you taking amoxicillin for?
Ross: How great is this? You're already comfortable enough to look through my stuff.

Quote from Joey

Chandler: And done.
Joey: Oh, my God. I didn't feel a thing. Hey, are you still looking for a job? Because you could tweeze circles around that sadistic bitch at the salon.

Quote from Joey

Joey: They totally match. They look great. They look great. [admiring his reflection] How you doin'?

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Yeah, I think it looks pretty good. I was a little bit worried I was uncovering a birthmark right about there but it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: For my next song, I think I'll sing something a little more upbeat, all right? Oh, ow about the Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited"? And make it bouncy.
Phoebe: Well, you can probably take care of that on your end.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Are those my wife's nipples?
Phoebe: Isn't that funny? I didn't see that before. I wouldn't have let her go up again.
Chandler: I've got to stop this.
Monica: Oh, who cares? They still love me.
Chandler: You, touching yourself! Out!

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