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The One After the Superbowl (Part 1)

‘The One After the Superbowl (Part 1)’

Season 2, Episode 12 -  Aired January 28, 1996

When Ross takes a trip to California, he stops by the zoo to see Marcel. Meanwhile, Joey gets his first fan letter as TV star from an obsessed fan, and Phoebe is asked to sing for children at local libraries.

Quote from Rachel

Joey: My first fan mail.
Monica: "Dear Dr. Ramoray: I love you and would do anything to have you." My gosh. "Your not-so-secret admirer, Erika Ford." Oh, wait. "P. S. Enclosed, please find fourteen of my eyelashes."
Rachel: You know, in Crazy World, that means you're married.


Quote from Joey

Monica: This wasn't addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. There's no stamp on it. This woman was in our building.
Joey: Oh, my God. I got my very own stalker!

Quote from Joey

Erika: I don't understand. Why didn't you help that man?
Joey: Because I'm a neurosurgeon and that was clearly a case of "foodal chokage."

Quote from Chandler

Ross: Check it out. He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey.
Rachel: So what are you gonna you do?
Ross: I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find him.
Chandler: Well, that's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales.

Quote from Joey

Ross: I tracked down Marcel and get this. He's healthy, he's happy and he's right here in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan.
Monica: You're kidding!
Joey: This is amazing.
Ross: I know.
Joey: I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey's making movies.

Quote from Monica

Ross: That commercial always makes me so sad.
Joey: Yeah, but then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him so everything works out okay.
Ross: I meant because of the monkey and it reminds me of Marcel.
Phoebe: I can see that. Yeah, because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin.
Monica: And the fact that they're both monkeys?

Quote from Chandler

Ross: Remember when he'd borrow your hat and sometimes when you got it back, there'd be monkey raisins in it?
Chandler: Oh, sure. When he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat. All of a sudden I had this big "attitude problem."

Quote from Phoebe

Rob Donan: Anyway, I schedule performers for children's libraries around the city. And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids?
Phoebe: Oh, I would love to have kids- Hear me play the songs that I will write for them.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker. What is she like?
Chandler: Well, you remember Kathy Bates in Misery? Well, she looks the exact opposite of that.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: I'm used to playing for grownups. Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. And kids Iisten. It's just a huge responsibility.

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