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Something Borrowed, Something Blue

‘Something Borrowed, Something Blue’

Season 7, Episode 23 - Aired May 18, 2000

As Daphne's wedding to Donny approaches, she finally confronts her feelings for Niles, just as he takes a step forward in his relationship with Mel.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Lovely night, isn't it?
Daphne: Mmm.
Niles: The stars are out. Nice breeze. Mmm. Night-blooming jasmine. Of course, there's the beautiful girl...
Daphne: Dr. Crane, I still haven't answered your question.
Niles: Yes, I know. That's why I keep talking. In case I don't get the answer I want, I can at least make this moment last a little longer. I'm not sure if it's jasmine or orange blossoms. You know, a lot of times...
Daphne: Oh, for God's sake, Dr. Crane!
[Daphne passionately kisses Niles]
Niles: I think you can call me Niles now.


Quote from Simon

Daphne: Simon!
Simon: Hello, sis.
Daphne: I thought you were in California.
Simon: Yeah, well, those friends I went to surprise were out of town. So I decided to housesit for 'em, which was lovely. 'Til they came home last night. I don't know what all the screaming was about. I was the one in the tub.

Quote from Simon

Daphne: I tell you, I'm this close to just poppin' him one.
Frasier: Now, now Daphne. Daphne, you just have to calm down. Here, have a cookie. [Gives her the bag, she eats one]
Simon: What is up with your appetite lately? What, are you knocked up or something?
Daphne: Of course not! [charges at him]
Simon: Now, now. You wouldn't be the first person in our family to be walking down the aisle carrying more than just a bouquet.

Quote from Gertrude

Gertrude: So here you all are. What is the point of bringing the party down to the Winnebago when there's a perfectly nice room right here?
Daphne: You're not moving the party in here.
Gertrude: Oh, Daphne, don't get your blood pressure up. You've got your baby to think of. Here, have a drink and relax.

Quote from Gertrude

Daphne: Mum, this is...
Gertrude: Oh, I know who he is, love. [To Frasier] I want to thank you, Donny, for rescuing my daughter from that horrible Dr. Crane.
Frasier: Well, actually...
Gertrude: Every time I call her, I'm not on the phone five minutes, before that tyrant is ordering her to hang up. [To bartender] Cup of tea, please. Thought my daughter might get me one, but she didn't. Oh, God, this seat's worse than that Winnebago. Though not half as uncomfortable as that sardine-tin of a room you arranged for me. [Frasier delivers a cup of tea] Oh, God, can't bear the smell of that, take it away. Reminds me of the salmon they served on that aeroplane. Oh, if it doesn't have me hurling me guts out, it'll be by God's own intervention. Now, give your new mom a kiss, Donny.
Daphne: Actually, Mum, this isn't Donny.

Quote from Gertrude

Gertrude: Well, I'm gonna see if your father's stomach is feeling any better. He keeps saying it's tension. What he's got to be tense about, I'll never know.
Daphne: I was worried she'd be in one of her dark moods.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Hey, Roz.
Roz: Hi, Martin. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend Morrie.
Martin: Oh, thanks. Yeah, his wife just did the nicest thing. I guess she knew that Eddie and I'd stop by and shoot the breeze with him, so she gave us something to remember him by.
Frasier: Oh, well. [Reading the tag] "For Martin and Eddie." Gee, isn't that nice?
Martin: Yeah, I think it's some kinda wine.
Frasier: Well, yes I'd say so, but... [gasps] My God, Dad, this is a 1945 Chateau Petrus!
Martin: Oh, yeah? She said he got it from his uncle who was in France after the war.
Frasier: Well, it's one of the rarest bottles in the world.
Martin: Well, if you're good, maybe Eddie'll give you a glass out of his half.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: I've never even seen a '45 Petrus!
Roz: Oh, poor Morrie. He probably waited his whole life for an occasion special enough to open that bottle.
Frasier: Perhaps this should be a lesson for us all. Morrie may be standing guard at the door to heaven right now, but he's buzzing us with one last message: Live life now. I'm reminded of a parable... [knocking at door]
Daphne, Niles & Roz: Come in.

Quote from Simon

Simon: Where should I put this bag?
Frasier: By the door so you don't forget it when you leave.
Simon: Right. I think I know everyone here. [seeing Roz] Or do I? And what would your name be then, Miss?
Roz: Simon, you low-life idiot. You made a date with me last week and you stood me up.
Simon: Sorry, love, I need a bit more to go on.
Roz: Maybe this'll refresh your memory.
[Roz slams the door in his face]
Simon: Roz, of course.

Quote from Simon

Martin: Well, look who's back.
Simon: Well, who's this then? I'd say it was Marty Crane, but he's a bit too young and trim, eh?
Martin: Oh, go on. Can I offer you a beer?
Simon: Oh, I hate to drink alone. Could I have a sandwich with that?

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