‘Dark Side of the Moon’
Season 7, Episode 22 - Aired May 11, 2000
At a court-mandated therapy session, Daphne tells the story of how a surprise bridal shower and a visit from one of her brothers led to a four-car pile-up.
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: Did you happen to see the kitchen this morning?
Daphne: Yes, I guess they got some take-out.
Frasier: It looked like a Kung Pao bomb went off. I still have moo shu stuck in the tread of my driving moccasins.
Quote from Niles
Frasier: Roz, you know, some day you're going to make a beautiful bride. Of course, your dress won't be made out of toilet paper.
Niles: Or be white.
Quote from Daphne
Daphne: Everyone, this is my brother, Simon.
Simon: Oh, Stilts, aren't you a sight!
Niles: "Stilts"?
Daphne: Growing up I was a bit tall for my age.
Simon: Giant, like she was on stilts.
Daphne: They follow you, Simon.
Quote from Frasier
Daphne: Good evening, Dr. Crane. I hope you had a pleasant day.
Frasier: Where's Simon?
Daphne: I think he's out with Mr. Crane again. They seem to have taken quite a shine to each other. Simon's introduced him to rugby.
Frasier: Yes, I really must thank him for that. After all, poor Dad, before he came, had no sport to watch between the hours of two and six a.m.
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: You know, we really didn't get much of a chance to talk at the shower. But, er, let me see, you're in the music business aren't you?
Holly: Yes, right now I'm planning a Reggae festival on Mercer Island.
Frasier: Oh, well, I'll have to remind myself to take the rasta-ferry over and catch it.
Quote from Frasier
Daphne: Dr. Crane, what happened to your concert?
Frasier: Simon happened. I've caught his wretched cold. I think I'm just going to go curl up in bed. After all, if I don't take care of myself, who will? Make me some tea and honey, won't you?
Quote from Martin
Simon: If you don't mind me saying, Marty, you're a saint for putting up with that man. Your life must be very trying. Very trying, indeed.
Martin: Oh, do not get me started.
Quote from Daphne
Dr. McCaskill: There's something that confuses me just a little.
Daphne: Yes?
Dr. McCaskill: This dress that was ruined, you keep saying it was your favorite.
Daphne: That's right.
Dr. McCaskill: So, why were you wearing it at your bridal shower?
Daphne: Well, it's a momentous event, don't you think?
Dr. McCaskill: But you said it was a surprise.
Daphne: Well, yes... It was.
Dr. McCaskill: So, just what were you expecting when you went over there?
Quote from Daphne
Niles: Daphne, right on time. I'm glad you're here, come in. Let me take your coat.
Daphne: I brought the recipe.
Niles: Hmm? Oh, for sticky toffee pudding. Mmm, mmm.
Daphne: Well, that's why I'm here, isn't it? To teach you to make it.
Niles: Yes. ... You're not buying it, are you?
Daphne: No, not really.
Niles: So, do you know why I asked you here tonight?
Daphne: I think I do. I mean, when a man asks you to his house to make pudding on a Saturday night.
Niles: A pretty flimsy excuse, wasn't it?
Daphne: Well, it got me here.
Niles: I'm glad. ... Make yourself comfortable.
Daphne: All right.
All: Surprise!
Quote from Daphne
Daphne: My God! Dr. Crane...
Dr. McCaskill: You know, it might be time to start calling him Niles.
Daphne: This is so confusing. I mean, what about Donny? He's the man I love.
Dr. McCaskill: Are you sure about that?
Daphne: [sobbing] ...No. Oh, so many questions. What does this mean? What do I do?
Dr. McCaskill: I'm sorry, but our time is up.