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Can't Buy Me Love

‘Can't Buy Me Love’

Season 1, Episode 14 - Aired January 20, 1994

After an attractive model buys Frasier at a charity auction, he ends up spending the evening with her sullen daughter.

Quote from Frasier

Renata: What's your damage?
Frasier: Well, I'll tell you what my damage is, young lady. You've been talking on the phone for an hour and a half. You haven't said a word to me except to ask for more Cheetos. [Eddie barks] They're coming, Eddie!


Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Well, that's annoying, isn't it? Certainly is taking a long time getting out of this parking lot. Did I mention this was my first basketball game? Yes, of course I did, three or four times. I still can't get over those players. They are positively gigantic. Not that being tall is the only measure of a man. But it's a bloody good one. [laughs] Oh, dear, I just insulted you, didn't I? Sorry. Oh, well, you can take it, you're a tough little nut.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Oh, dear. This is not good. Not good at all.
Bulldog: What, you don't like the champagne?
Daphne: No, I can see the bottom of me glass.
Bulldog: Well, bottoms up!
Daphne: Oh, you are a naughty boy. Now don't go getting any ideas. Oh, look who I'm saying this to. You don't have an idea in your head! [laughs] Did it again. I insulted you. Let's drink to that. Boom!

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Now that is downright rude. [lowers window and yells through a bullhorn] Hey, you there! You in the Firebird! Yes, you! Stop that honking! Now, now, just because you look stupid doesn't mean you have to act stupid!
Bulldog: Hey, don't aggravate him, we're kinda pinned in here.
Daphne: Oh, tosh! Civilization's not going to progress one iota unless someone points out when people's manners are remiss.
Man: Move it!
Daphne: Oh, shut your bloody cakehole!
Bulldog: Don't do that! Oh, great, now he's getting out of his car!
Daphne: Ooh, he's a tall one too.
Bulldog: Quick, roll up your window, lock the door.
Daphne: Don't be stupid, he's not going to hurt a woman.
Bulldog: Just roll it up, roll it up!
[Bulldog's car door is opened and he is pulled out]
Daphne: Let him go. Get your bloody claws off him! Let him go, you big ugly oaf!
Bulldog: Shut up!
[Bulldog is pulled out of the car and the door closes]
Daphne: Oh. Well, we're moving. [through the bullhorn] Thank you, Pitbull! I had a lovely time!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: But why would she lie?
Kristina: Because she's twelve, and she's mad at me. She wanted to stay home alone, and I wouldn't let her. I probably would have been better off if I had. God, some shrink you are!
Frasier: Please don't go, child development is not my thing. My specialty is adult relations.
Kristina: Well, you won't be having any of those tonight.
Frasier: Kristina, please don't go, I-
Kristina: Oh, and by the way, I only have one kidney. Guess who has the other?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know, this cookie dough is not that bad. Of course, I'm sure later I'll be "hurling."

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: [ringing a cowbell] Well, Chuck, I'm really sorry I offended you. Now, why don't you put your skirt back on and do some dishes?

Quote from Niles

Niles: Can I be of any assistance in the kitchen?
Daphne: No, I have everything well in hand.
Niles: Ah, well, lucky everything.

Quote from Martin

Martin: All right, what would you do?
Niles: Well for starters, I'd take that corn-nut off the board.
Martin: That corn-nut's my bishop. Eddie ate the real one.
Niles: In that case, corn-nut to Rook 7.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Evening, Dr. Crane. Guess what your brother brought, champagne.
Frasier: Oh, Maris left for Chicago already?

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