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Everybody Hates the Pilot

‘Everybody Hates the Pilot’

Season 1, Episode 1 - Aired September 22, 2005

After Chris and his family leave the projects for Bed-Stuy, he starts middle school in a predominantly white neighborhood.

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Back at home, my father should have been in bed. But he'd rather lose sleep than money.
Rochelle: What are you doing?
Julius: I'm paying the bills. See, it says 40 dollars, I'm paying 40 dollars.
Rochelle: And that's exactly why I don't let you pay the bills.
Julius: Where are you going?
Rochelle: To work!
Julius: Is Chris gonna be home in time to wake me up?
Rochelle: Can I see in the future?
Julius: What's wrong with you? Probably can see in the future!


Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] I was still hungry but I was almost home. What could go wrong now?
Tonya: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That girl is tryin' to get me killed.
Tonya: Daddy! Da-
Chris: Girl, you want Daddy to go to jail?
Drew: I told her to quit.
Tonya: I have to go to the bathroom.
Chris: I told you to go at school.
Tonya: That bathroom is nasty.
Chris: Listen, we're going in. But once we get in, I don't wanna hear any noise. None. Do you understand?
Tonya: Yes.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father always slept in his uniform. That way when he woke up, he'd be ready to go.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After school, I had a plan.
Greg: This is crazy!
Chris: Man, it's a school fight. School fights only last a minute because somebody always comes and breaks them up. All I have to do is get in the first punch. Somebody will stop it.
Kids: [chant] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Joey Caruso: What are you waiting for, Cornbread?
Chris: [punches Caruso] This should be over any minute!
[thirty minutes later, Caruso is still pounding Chris as "Ebony and Ivory" plays]
Chris: Is somebody's gonna stop this?
[A White police officer walks by]

Quote from Tonya

Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's my younger brother Drew. There's nothing worse than having a little brother that's bigger than you. My sister Tonya was the youngest and would do anything to get me in trouble.
[Tonya knocks over Chris's bowl of cereal]
Rochelle: Chris, clean that mess up.
Chris: Tonya did it.
Tonya: Huh-uh!
Rochelle: Did I ask you that?

Quote from Tonya

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Tonya was my father's favorite.
Julius: What's wrong with your oatmeal?
Tonya: Chris made it too lumpy.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And she knew it.
Julius: You don't have to eat it.

Quote from Julius

Julius: Baby did you see this?
Rochelle: I've paid this.
Julius: It says you paid half.
Rochelle: I know.
Julius: I gave you all the money. How come you only paid half the bill?
Rochelle: I cannot even believe that you're asking me that.
Julius: Just asking you a question. I'm trying to find out what's going on around here.
Rochelle: No, you're not. You're questioning my judgement.
Julius: You act like there's not a big red bill sitting on the table.
Rochelle: Okay, fine. You do it then.
Julius: I will.
Rochelle: Okay.
Julius: I am.
Rochelle: Good.
Julius: Fine.
Rochelle: Fine.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My parents taught me love is never having to say "kiss my ass".
Julius: Where the stamps at?

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even when my mother got mad, she still made my dad's dinner.
Rochelle: ...have this on my mind.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Vegetables, potatoes and his favorite: a big piece of chicken.

Quote from Greg

Greg: You really from "Bed-Stuy, do or die"?
Chris: Yeah.
Greg: You ever been shot?
Chris: No. Well, at least not yet.
Greg: I'm Greg.
Chris: I'm Chris.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Greg Wuliger wasn't my first choice for a friend. But mutual ass kicking seem to bring people together.
Greg: Cool shoes.
Chris: Thanks.

Quote from Adult Chris

Chris: If that was the new principle, who was the old one?
[flashback to a man in a suit being led out of the school by two police officers:]
Mr. Palmer: I didn't touch her! I don't know what you're talking about.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Mr. Palmer was accused of doing something that we can't tell you about because of the network censors. The school settled the lawsuit out of court and he's not allowed to teach anymore. If he moves to your neighborhood, you'll get a warning.

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