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Everybody Hates Food Stamps

‘Everybody Hates Food Stamps’

Season 1, Episode 9 - Aired November 17, 2005

Julius is ecstatic after finding $200 worth of food stamps, but Rochelle is embarrassed to spend them. Meanwhile, Chris and Greg's friendship is put to the test when work together for a science project.

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] And instead of Oreos, Ginger Snaps, or Chips Ahoy, we got...
Drew: "Cookie"?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's right, Cookie. Not Cookies, Cookie. A big bag with one cookie in it.
Tonya: Ooh, Mama, can I have some cookie?
Rochelle: Yeah, but only two bites. Don't suck out all the chips like you did last time.


Quote from Julius

Julius: Come on. You're getting your hair done. Why can't I treat myself to something?
Rochelle: I'm just saying, look, we shouldn't rush into anything, you know?
Julius: You know what, baby? You're right.
Rochelle: See? I'm right.
Julius: You right. I hear you. I'm gonna take a nap and figure out how to spend this money.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Some people counted sheep, my father counted cheap.

Quote from Rochelle

Chris: Mama, can we get these?
Rochelle: No, we've already got peanut butter and jelly.
Drew: Ma, I hate that stuff. It tastes like concrete.
Rochelle: Ring it up, please.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Julius, you know I hate using food stamps.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother hated using food stamps because she was a ghetto snob. And sometimes using food stamps could be a little embarrassing.
Cashier: That'll be 79 cent.
Rochelle: Ten, 20, 30, 40, 50...
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother would have felt better just robbing the place.
Rochelle: Does anybody have change for a fifty-cent bill?

Quote from Greg

Adult Chris: [v.o.] At school, I felt like I was trying to do a science project and Greg was trying to win the Nobel Prize.
Greg: I was thinking about doing something on the periodic table. we can chart when each element was discovered and show how it affected society.
Chris: I was thinking we could make a volcano with vinegar and baking soda.
Greg: No, I did that in the third grade.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My third grade science project was watching a banana rot!
Greg: Hey, why don't we do a whole thing on plate tectonics?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I thought "Plate Tectonics" was the original name of the Wu Tang Clan.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] As much as it hurt my mother to shop with food stamps, there were two words that made it all worthwhile... Name brands.
[fantasy: Rochelle dances around the aisles as she eagerly places brand name products in her cart]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's my mom, ghetto snob.
[fantasy: Julius is wearing a Navy Officer's uniform as he pushes the shopping cart, which Rochelle is sitting in, past a group of applauding shoppers while "Up Where We Belong" plays]

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] You'd think she'd pay with food stamps. That cash was supposed to last my mom a month.
Rochelle: Girl, you know what, you got to buy the best for your family.
Sheila: The best.
Rochelle: You know, that's what I always say. There's nothing too expensive for my family.
Sheila: Mm-mm.
Tonya: Daddy gonna be mad.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That look meant, "Get with the program."
Rochelle: You look good, you look good.
Sheila: You look good, too, girl.
Rochelle: [to Tonya] Y'all get in the car. Get in the car.

Quote from Chris

Greg: We got to do it over.
Chris: Do it over? Do the whole universe over? Are you crazy? It looks great the way it is.
Greg: This isn't great, this sucks.
Chris: Look at this kid. His project is a bug in Jell-O. We're fine.
Greg: I knew you didn't take science as seriously as I do.
Chris: Einstein didn't take science as seriously as you do.

Quote from Greg

Greg: I knew I should've gotten somebody else for a partner. I can't turn this in; people will think I'm an idiot.
Chris: What are you trying to say?
Greg: I said it once, and I'm gonna say it again. This sucks.
Chris: You know what? If you want to do something else... Well, then do something else.
Greg: I'm not gonna let you screw the whole thing up.
[They each take half of the project]
Chris: You know, there's a reason why you didn't have a friend till I came along.
Greg: And there's a reason you don't have a friend now.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It was like Andrew Ridgeley leaving Wham!

Quote from Adult Chris

Chris: Wow, Ma, this toast is good. What'd you do different?
Rochelle: I bought fresh bread.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] We usually got our bread from the day-old bakery, which was even cheaper when we got it from the three-day-old shelf. [Tonya walks by Rochelle] That look says, "If you couldn't whup me, I'd tell."

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