‘Everybody Hates a Liar’
Season 2, Episode 4 - Aired October 23, 2006
Chris lets everybody think he and his neighbor Tasha are an item. Meanwhile, Julius is ready to spend his trading stamps, and Drew feels neglected.
Quote from Chris
Chris: Hey, Tasha, wait up!
Tasha: What?
Chris: I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry.
Tasha: Why would you say all those things about me? I just moved in and, all of a sudden, I have a reputation.
Chris: I didn't say anything, for real.
Tasha: Well, somebody said something, and it wasn't me.
Quote from Jerome
Jerome: Yo, little dude. Your old lady mad at you, huh?
Chris: She's not my old lady.
Jerome: What? Y'all broke up?
Chris: Hey, well...
Jerome: I know. I know.
Quote from Drew
Drew: Hey, Mom, can you help me make some Kool-Aid?
Rochelle: Aw, Drew, I'm trying to rest for 20 minutes before I have to cook dinner. Here. You know how to make Kool-Aid.
Drew: Never mind. Forget it. [walks away]
Julius: What's wrong with him?
Rochelle: I don't know, but I'm about to find out.
Julius: We got any Kool-Aid?
Quote from Chris
Chris: Tasha! I want everyone to listen to me! Tasha is not my girlfriend. She never was. I know everybody thinks that something was going on between us, but nothing happened. And not nothing something. Nothing nothing. Tasha's a nice girl. She's not like that. I got rid of a mouse for her. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. That's it. I'm sorry. Now, would you all quit talking about this? Because there is nothing to talk about. I wish there was something to talk about. But there's not. Okay? [Tasha walks away]
Man: [to Chris] Get off of my car, fool!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] How did he know my nickname?
Quote from Greg
Greg: I can't believe you made the whole thing up.
Chris: I didn't make anything up. Everyone else did.
Greg: What do you expect people to think with you running around saying, "Yeah, well, you know" to everything?
Chris: That's why I had to stop it.
Greg: I thought you were so in there. Everybody did.
Chris: Listen, just don't say anything to anybody. I want this to die.
Greg: I won't say a word. This is going to stay between you and me.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Just like before.
Quote from Chris
Chris: Hey.
Pair of Girls #1: Ew.
Chris: How you guys doing?
Pair of Girls #2: Shut up!
Joey Caruso: You blew it, cornbread.
Ms. Morello: Some Sweetback you are.
Quote from Chris
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The word back on the block was that Tasha and I had never done a thing, but sometimes you have to hear things from the horse's mouth.
Chris: Miss Clarkson?
Louise Clarkson: What do you want with your little mannish behind?
Chris: I wanted to apologize.
Louise Clarkson: What exactly is it that you're apologizing for?
Chris: Well, first, to Tasha for letting all those people believe all that stuff about her. And to you for going into your house without your permission.
Louise Clarkson: Did your mother send you over here to do that? Because, if she did...
Chris: She didn't.
Louise Clarkson: You're not fooling anybody. I know you. I don't know what you do with these other little fast girls around here, but you're not going to do that with Tasha.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Miss Clarkson missed me when Tasha started dating Bobby Brown.
Tasha: [from her window] Chris? Thank you.
Quote from Adult Chris
Adult Chris: [v.o.] At least I still had Dee Dee's phone number.
Diedra: Give me back my phone number! You better not have it memorized.