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The Days of Wine and Neuroses

‘The Days of Wine and Neuroses’

Season 9, Episode 16 - Aired January 24, 1991

Rebecca receives a surprising message from Robin, who is about to be paroled. Meanwhile, Cheers gets a karaoke machine.

Quote from Woody

Sam: Woody, lock up for me, would you, buddy?
Woody: All right. Everybody out! Closing up!
Sam: Woody! Not now. Closing time.
Woody: Could you be more specific, Sam? I'm not a mind reader.


Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Boy, you're not going to get your security deposit back here. You drinking again?
Rebecca: Certainly not. I never stopped. There. Now I stopped. [drinks] Now I'm drinking again.
Sam: So... You want to talk? Is this about getting married tomorrow? You gettin' cold feet?
Rebecca: Certainly not. I am perfectly prepared to marry Robin and spend the rest of my life with him. I'm just not particularly looking forward to it.
Sam: You know, I don't get that. You know, all you've done the last two years is talk about getting married to this guy.
Rebecca: [scoffs] Yeah, well, I'll tell you, it is one thing to love somebody who's serving time for you. It's another thing serving time with them. Sam, I haven't even begun, you know, to taste life. I mean, I just discovered this drinking thing.
Sam: Sweetheart... [chuckles] I can understand the temptation. I mean, after all, I'm a recovering alcoholic.
Rebecca: I'm just not ready for commitment yet.
Sam: Well, doubt's part of any relationship. I mean, look at me: I- I was divorced.
Rebecca: You know, I drink for a couple of days, and you were an alcoholic. I have a little bit of trouble with a relationship, and you were divorced. Do you retain water in the middle of the month, too, Sam?

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Look, I'm just trying to help you. I mean, everybody gets cold feet when they're about to get married, but it's a pretty weeny reason to start drinking.
Rebecca: Why did you start drinking?
Sam: I lost my curveball.
Rebecca: I am not drinking because I have cold feet. I am drinking because I don't know if I love Robin.
Sam: Oh, wow. Do you think maybe you don't?
Rebecca: I don't know. I just wish I had a little bit more time, you know, to decide. You don't think there's any chance that that, um, parole board could keep him in prison just a little while longer?

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: I am being serious, too, Sam. It's just that I can't stop remembering... I can't stop remembering that one time in my life it was just so exciting.
Sam: Oh, boy. I know where this is going.
Rebecca: Oh, God, I loved it, Sam.
Sam: Honey.
Rebecca: It was just so thrilling, and it was magical, you know?
Sam: I know, I know.
Rebecca: And like every single nerve in my body was alive, and I was glowing. God, it was like the first time in my life I was one with another being. Once you have that, you just don't forget.
Sam: I'll never forget the night we made love.
Rebecca: I'm talking about when I was ten and won first prize in that horse show. You know, but that sex deal was good with you, too. I mean, even having sex with you is better than Robin.
Sam: Even that, huh?

Quote from Cliff

Walter: Sorry, Sam. I can't fix the jukebox here. Got to take it back to the shop and open her up. I'll go get the guys.
Cliff: Take it back to the shop, my foot. That's the biggest ploy in the fix-it racket, Sammy. You know they tell you that just so they can jack up the price on you. Trust me. All this baby needs is one swift, good... [thuds, rattles, clanks, clangs] Shop time.

Quote from Frasier

Walter: Sam, I should have her back in a week, good as new.
Sam: A week? How can we live without our juke for a week? Now, don't you have a loaner or something?
Walter: I'm all out of jukeboxes. How about a cigarette machine?
Woody: Naw, we'd never use that.
Frasier: You never use the jukebox!

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Well, for those of you who do care, Robin gets out of prison on Monday.
Sam: Oh well, that's great, great. But aren't you kind of forgetting something important?
Rebecca: No, no, no. No, I remember, we won't have any money. We'll have to start all over.
Sam: No, no, no, no, the limerick, read the limerick.
Rebecca: I cannot believe you guys are more interested in some stupid rhyme than in my happiness.
Woody: Well, it's certainly not true in my case, Ms. Howe.
Rebecca: Well, thank you, Woody.
Woody: I'm interested in both equally. [Rebecca walks off] Boy, she saw right through me. I'm dying to hear that limerick.

Quote from Rebecca

Man: I've got a delivery for a Ms. Rebecca Howe?
Rebecca: I'm Rebecca Howe. Here you go.
Rebecca: And here you go.
Man: Oh, a shiny quarter. Jeepers, this'll pay for my sister's operation.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Well, I'd like to make a toast to the bride-to-be.
Rebecca: Mmm?
Sam: Yep. Uh... I'd just like to say that, uh, you know, when, when you and Robin first got together, none of us thought that a match between a billionaire tycoon and a, you... you know, would work out. But, uh, this is just great, honey. l, I wish the two of you, uh, happiness forever and ever.
Rebecca: That's very sweet, Sam.

Quote from Lilith

Woody: Still can't get a hold of Miss Howe?
Sam: No. It's been busy for hours.
Woody: Well, she is getting married tomorrow. She probably had a lot to do. Maybe find something to wear.
Lilith: Yes. It's not like Si and Effie Kupperman left her a wedding gown.
Norm: [chuckles wryly] [imitates cat snarling]

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