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Rat Girl

‘Rat Girl’

Season 9, Episode 25 - Aired April 4, 1991

As Frasier and Lilith prepare to attend interviews for Frederick's pre-school, Lilith is depressed when her favorite lab rat dies. Meanwhile, Rebecca goes on a health kick, and Sam meets a woman who shows no interest in him but has the hots for Paul.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: This is not healthy at all. My wife has gone completely around the bend. Perhaps I rushed her through the grieving process too quickly. Oh. Oh, the poor woman.
Norm: I dare you to look in the purse.
Cliff: Ha! Dare me? Dare you.
Frasier: You know, obviously, I've got to dispose of Whitey break this fixation, then deal with the repercussions as they occur.
Norm & Cliff: Eww.
Cliff: Yeah, I looked first.
Norm: I bet you won't kiss him.
Frasier: You two are sick!
Norm: Oh, yeah. We've got a big problem.
Frasier: Obviously, Lilith is having trouble breaking this attachment on her own. I've got to be the man and handle this in a mature fashion. [grabs Lilith's purse with a pair of tongs] Eww, eww, eww, eww! Eww!


Quote from Carla

Sam: What's with the vegetables?
Carla: Same as always: they're watching TV.
Rebecca: Sam, I have changed my diet. I'm finally eating right for the first time in 30 years.
Carla: 30? What were you doing the other 12?

Quote from Norm

Rebecca: And I feel so good that I thought we can all work on our diets. So I'm making up this little vegetable plate. And I figure if those guys are gonna sit around and eat, they might as well eat something healthy.
Sam: I don't think they're gonna like this.
Rebecca: Oh, they'll never even notice.
[As Norm, Paul and Cliff stare at the TV, Rebecca replaces the bowl of pretzels just as Norm casually reaches his hand back to grab some]
Norm: [eats] What the hell is this?!
Cliff: What's wrong?
Norm: This thing I found in the pretzel bowl. Oh, my God, what are these?
Paul: They appear to be orange and green sticks.
Cliff: I know what they are. You know, when you go in a restaurant and you order a nice, big, thick, juicy steak and they put this other stuff on the plate that you shove aside?
Paul: Oh, you mean vegetables?
Norm: They can't be vegetables. There's no batter.
Rebecca: You guys, you're not even giving me a chance. Now, you sit around and you stuff your faces all day long, so why don't you stuff them with something that's good for you? Go ahead. Try it.
[As Cliff and Paul take a carrot stick, Norm grabs a chunk of cauliflower. They each dip their vegetable in their beer]
Cliff: Yeah, it's not bad.
Norm: Yeah. No, try the cauliflower. It acts like a ladle.

Quote from Sam

[As an attractive woman enters the bar]
Cliff: Whoa! Sammy.
Sam: [facing away from the door] I see her.
Norm: How do you do that?
Sam: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you, Norm.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Until I began eating clean, I never realized how good a nice, dry rice cake could taste.
Woody: How can you eat those, Miss Howe? They don't have any flavor.
Rebecca: Oh. If I eat these, I will live longer.
Woody: Well, I have a question. You know how you're always talking about how you hate your life? How come you want to make it longer?
Rebecca: Shut up, Woody.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Hello, Frasier.
Frasier: Darling. What's wrong? You look so somber.
Carla: How can you tell?
Frasier: I took a shot and got lucky.

Quote from Carla

Lilith: No, you don't understand. Usually we don't get attached to the rats, but this one was so special. We even named him. Everyone in the lab called him Whitey.
Carla: Are you sure they weren't talking to you?
Lilith: No, Carla. They were talking about Whitey the rat.
Carla: Okay, I'll ask again. Are you sure they weren't talking to you?

Quote from Sam

Sam: I don't know what she's looking for in life, but, well, if she can't find it here, she's not gonna find it anywhere.
Paula: Paul! You ready?
Paul: Yeah, let's go.
Sam: Paul?!
Paul: See you later, guys. Don't wait up. [both exit]
Sam: You know, this isn't really happening. No, no, no, no. In a few seconds, I'm gonna wake up in my own bed covered in sweat. [closes eyes] Okay, here we go. [opens eyes] Ooh, this is gonna be a long one.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: I feel great. I've been eating clean for 12 hours now and I feel like I have a whole new body. I have more energy, and I- I just feel better. I'm a celebration of life.
Norm: Boy, I'll say, Rebecca, and what goes better with a celebration than Ho-Hos?
Cliff: Well... Well, Norm, I-I can't think of anything except, maybe Twinkies.
Woody: Gentlemen, I have one word for you: Snowballs.
Norm & Cliff: Snowballs!
Woody: Snowballs are better because they're bite-size. [shoves one in his mouth]

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Good evening, all. Sam, Glenlivet rocks. Two.
Sam: How you feeling there, Lilith?
Lilith: Life goes on, Sam.
Sam: Ah, that's the spirit.
Lilith: Rather than brood and mourn, Frasier and I have decided to do something a little bit more life-affirming. We're going to a theater and a late dinner. I think Whitey would approve.
Rebecca: Lilith, your clinic's on the phone. I think there's an emergency with one of your patients. You can use the phone in my office.
Lilith: Thank you.
Frasier: Well, we... We've got an 8:00 curtain. Tell them to take two Thorazine and call you in the morning.

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